How do these veteran posters include the text and photos of an ad into a post on this board?

LoveWomen's Avatar
How do they do this?

Often it is very valuable to include the text and photo of an outside ad as a means of preserving the details of an outside ad that could rapidly disappear.

An example is here:

Is there a "how to" thread here that instructs on this beneficial procedure?

On a related topic, has eccie administration considered increasing the capacity to store "attachments", (photos) in a member's allowed photo storage archive.

I only have 10 or 15 photos allowed in "attachment" storage at any time.

To add a fresh pic, I have to delete one or two previously stored ones, this devalues the postings that the older photos were attached to.

Alternatively, is there a means to cut/copy and paste a photo into a thread other than to either attach it or link to it outside this site.

Linking to an outside photo is not optimal, because the link is broken if the outside photo is removed from the outside site.

Photos are the lifeblood of this board, ( for obvious reasons, you pervs, ha!)

With the cost of online storage a tiny fraction of what it was when this board was developed, it would seem increasing photo storage capacity would increase the functionality and usage of this site.

PS: There seems to be an infinite capacity of storage for the dang ads and popups. LOL.
With respect to posting the ads, I have no direct knowledge but perhaps the members are simply copying and pasting the content into a thread.

Your suggestion regarding storage space is valid and I recommend you take it to one of the national forums for comment by admins and others.
There are a few ways that you can do this. It can be difficult to do with a mobile device, but it can still be done. I used a mobile device when I made that post.

I usually click on the Go Advance button instead of the Post Quick Reply button. This gives you more options.

From here, you have several options. You can post pics saved in your device by clicking on the attachment button , or if you know the URL where the image is stored on the interwebs, you can use the Insert Image button

As I was saying, I couldn't look at the code on that webpage because I was on my mobile device (you can look at the code, but it is a pain in the ass because of the size of the screen), so...

Option 1 (attachment) I just saved the photos to my phone and used the attachment option as described above. In order to do this, just follow the instructions.

Option 2 (insert image), you will have to know the web address of the image. Usually this is simple to do. If you are on a computer console, you can usually right click and select Copy Image Address on a Mac. I can't remember what the option is on PC, but it should be something similar. The address that is copied, should end with .jpg, .gif, .png, .tif, .bmp. Then click on the Insert Image button. A text window will open. Paste the URL in the text window. Once you are done, the code will look like this (I included spaces in the IMG tags so that the code can be viewed):

[IMG ][/ IMG]

If you click the Preview Message button, it should look like this:

The rest of the text in the ad can just be copied and pasted.

I hope that this was useful.
LoveWomen's Avatar

1) Link gets broken if outside pic is deleted.

"...Linking to an outside photo is not optimal, because the link is broken if the outside photo is removed from the outside site...."

2) Not enough storage available for "attachments"

"...I only have 10 or 15 photos allowed in "attachment" storage at any time.

To add a fresh pic, I have to delete one or two previously stored ones, this devalues the postings that the older photos were attached to.

Alternatively, is there a means to cut/copy and paste a photo into a thread other than to either attach it or link to it outside this site..."

How do YOU post pics so 1) the link is not broken and 2) so your capacity is not filled?

Do you understand the questions?

Anyone else know how they do it?

Surely somewhere in this big ol' ECCIE world there is a post that describes how to solve these two problems.

(Some of you maintain your own online archive of pics on "dropbox" or other pic storage sites, that you link to, but that seems like a pain, and security may be a problem...

Anyone have the solution?)
JCM800's Avatar
This thread in the Tech forum has some info on posting pics...

Also, I haven't seen anything discussed as far as increasing the attachment storage space on here if you were looking to post more pics then a pic hosting site would probably be the way to go.