The member with no membership

I've been a member here since March 30 so it isn't like i've been just hanging out waiting to cause commotion but since I have actually done something so frowned upon to receive a personal email from a Mod and really not very clearly describe my infraction and punishment I still have some questions. It was brought up in regards to your Forum Guideline Rule about the outing of members in which case the infraction in question does not apply, it barely applies to the photograph of said link since there was no name I spoke of that referred to him and of the subject of the posting either since her involvement with this site was only by the mention of her being reviewed. She was not on ECCIE, as far as any of us can see and never used this site for advertising, posting, sharing information or even asking for directions. So how does she now fall into the category of member??

#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously.
Somethings are best to ask the moderator in a PM.
Notjodaddy's Avatar
I agree with the original poster, who in may opinion only pointed out to those who may have missed the news of the unfortunate story about someone who had a incidental association to ECCIE by way of a review.
JCM800's Avatar
She was not on ECCIE, as far as any of us can see and never used this site for advertising, posting, sharing information or even asking for directions. So how does she now fall into the category of member?? Originally Posted by Y_eye_AwE_Ta
So you think it's ok to out someone's personal info because you're not sure if they're an actual member or not?
JT's Avatar
  • JT
  • 05-14-2016, 05:22 AM
Use common sense.

Even though she may not have been a member of this site she was part of the hobby.