
Anyone know what happened to her?
Her account was accessed yesterday so still out there somewhere. I know she has posted about some health issues. Hope she is getting through it ok.
She has posted publicly about having breast cancer. I checked with her recently. Still getting treatment. Hope its allowable to give that update. I would think so since she personally posted about it originally.
daddyzlilgirlalwayz's Avatar
Hey everyone! I'm doing well. For those who don't know I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My tumour was 10cm, and Drs told me I had anywhere from 6months to a year to live without treatment. Unfortunately during 6 rounds of chemo I went into anaphylaxis shock twice. But I was able to finish chemo. I had to have three surgeries to successfully remove the cancer. Then an additional surgery to remove my overies and tubes because halfway thru chemo my cancer mutated to a different type of cancer, and that cancer had estrogen positive receptors so the overies was feeding the dragon. I was to do 12 treatments of immune therapy and during treatment one I went into anaphylaxis shock again, so I quit immune therapy completely. I was to complete 30 treatments of radiation and I completed 15, which wasn't long ago, and I then decided I was done. I'm just leaving everything in god's hands as of right now. I've been thru a lot the past year in half almost two years. Last I was told my cancer is in remission, I go back to Dr in Dec as of right now. I'm just trying to get my mind and my body a bit back to normal because everything I had to go thru was physically and emotionally exhausting. Thank you all who have kept me in your thoughts, and prayers! Hopefully I'll be back to me in no time and able to catch up from lost times!! Kiss 💋 💋😘
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
And there she is.
Welcome back and congrats for kicking that to the curb. Aggressive attack is the only thing that works.
outlawsprint's Avatar
Glad to see all is doing well to this point. Hope the path remains the same.
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
Ummmmm yes 1000 yes
Best Wishes for recovery!!
dumars's Avatar
From a literal death stare to remission! Don’t git much better’n that!!

Glad you are making your way. Positive thoughts for continued improvement.
daddyzlilgirlalwayz's Avatar
Thanks guys! I just keep telling myself I'm going to be like dracula and live forever! It's gonna take a lot more than cancer to get me down for good. Hopefully I get to see everyone soon!