This is a few weeks overdue..

..but I figured better late than never!
I'm Nickki Darling and I'm new(ish) to Wichita. I've been here a bit over a month now, and am starting to like living here. Before living in Wichita, I lived and worked in Denver and Florida. I also have several reviews from both locations.
A little about me: I'm a 23 year old college student, about to graduate with a double major in chemistry and biology. I love gerber daisies, red wine, pink champaign, and am obsessed with shoes (I'm a size 9--hint*hint lol)....but what lady isn't? I love music of almost any and all kinds, but I especially enjoy the classics (Beatles, Doors, Zeppelin, Hendrix) and am always on the lookout for their albums on vinyl.
All my contact info, working hours, and a bit more about me can be found in my showcase, along with several recent pictures of me. **I'm also on the lookout for a good photographer, as I don't know of any here that I'd be willing to be honest to about what the pics will be used for.**
If you have any questions or would like to have a little chat, feel free to send me a private message, email, call, text, fax, send carrier pigeons, or make smoke signals, just please do not try to send a telegraph as I don't know Morse code
I look forward to meeting you! Stay safe
Truckman1's Avatar
Welcome be safe
Helicopter206's Avatar
awesome! now I can be contacted by any means lol
green_betta's Avatar
+1 for the sense of humor! you look great Bravo Tango Whiskey
nsafun05's Avatar
Welcome to the boards!
wildbillkc's Avatar
Welcome I travel to Wichita sometimes. Hope we can visit sometime. enjoy your stay here with us
CryptKicker's Avatar
Since you have been here for over a month and are a VP now we moved this to COED but you are still welcomed to ECCIE. Feel free to ask if you have any questions about the site.
ElumEno's Avatar
Welcome to the board and sorry for hi-jacking your intro thread.

Good sir, my I ask you why you are moving post from the Welcome forum to the Coed Forum?
As far as I can tell, there is nothing that says that forum is only to be posted in by new members with in the first week.
She is telling us about herself, which is what that forum is designed for, yes it is boarder line on the section about giving all her info with in the first week... but it did not go over IMO.

Maybe I am the one that is having problems with reading comprehension... but this is the way I read that forums description.

Lets take a look at the wording in the forum description..
It is in three parts....

This local-based forum has been designated as a place to introduce yourself to the community, and to welcome new members, both male and female. Feel free to let us know about yourself here. (New Ladies: You may post your info here during your first week of membership, but please contact the local staff to request Verified Provider status. Once verified, you will be enabled to post in the proper advertising forums, build your Showcase, and access the ladies-only areas of the board)

Part 1. This local-based forum has been designated as a place to introduce yourself to the community,
I read this part as telling us that it is for everyone regardless of membership time to introduce themselves to the local community.
Example 1 - If someone has been lurking the board since '09 and then decides to introduce themselves, this is the place they should do so.
Example 2 - If someone has been an active member of the Dallas community and moves to the Kansas area, this is the place to introduce themselves to the local community.

Part 2.
and to welcome new members, both male and female. Feel free to let us know about yourself here.
I read this part as telling us that it is also (hence the 'and') a place for new members, both male or female, to introduce themselves.

Part 3.
(New Ladies: You may post your info here during your first week of membership, but please contact the local staff to request Verified Provider status. Once verified, you will be enabled to post in the proper advertising forums, build your Showcase, and access the ladies-only areas of the board)
I read this part as applying only to unverified providers and explains that once verified they can place ads and build a showcase, but until then, they can place a introduction ad with all of their info, with in the first week of membership.

At least that is the way I am reading it, maybe it is just me that is confused by the wording in the forum description... believe me when I say that spelling and grammar are not my strong suit... hell most 3rd graders are better at it them me.
Crypt, I also want to apologize if the post comes off as sounding like an ass... I do not mean for it too, as you know, it is something that has been debated before.

Johnny4455's Avatar
Wow Elam, while you're researching and drafting this, I was watching free Internet porn of black girls with big naturals and pleasuring myself. Which one of us accomplished more?

Since you did hijack this thread maybe you could research and analyze which forum is appropriate for your question of the mod? I'm thinking the questions to the mod forum, but i haven't reviewed the rules in three parts with different colored fonts.
CryptKicker's Avatar
She is hardly in her first week sir. She joined on 5-10-13 and already has been verified and she made her original welcome post back on 5-11-13 The COED section is the appropriate place for this post. Instead of hijacking her thread please PM me if you wish to debate this further.
chucklesk's Avatar
Welcome Nikki,
I dont post much but had to on this one.
Helicopter the morse listing is wrong (look at 'P' and 'W') P should be .- -.

Originally Posted by Helicopter206
malwoody's Avatar
Wow Elam, while you're researching and drafting this, I was watching free Internet porn of black girls with big naturals and pleasuring myself. Which one of us accomplished more?
. Originally Posted by Johnny4455
I guess that would depend on whether or not you closed the deal....
ElumEno's Avatar
Actually johnny, I did not do any researching or drafting.
I'm just paraphrasing what I remember from another thread about the same debate.

I would have just linked that thread but I can not find it or it is in an area that I no longer have access too.
malwoody's Avatar
Actually johnny, I did not do any researching or drafting.
I'm just paraphrasing what I remember from another thread about the same debate.

I would have just linked that thread but I can not find it or it is in an area that I no longer have access too. Originally Posted by ElamEno
And you did this while he was...

I will withold my opinion on who accomplished more until I find out if he got to the top of the ladder..