Out of reviews....IMO
....I see alot of times a reviewer will mention that they and the provider
"Exceeded time"
"She wasnt a clock watcher and we went way over"
Or she loved my cock so much and she couldnt get enough which resulted in another 30 minutes a nc......whatever...you get me!
etc etc
My belief is this should be kept between you and the provider not in the review....
Why you ask?
Im sure the last thing a provider wants you to do is pass along that she may have spent a little more time with you...so when you mention it in your review and some other knucklehead reads it... and feels thats cool I can take advantage of this chick and get more time for my buck!
You think your helping a fellow hobbiest but your hurting the provider...
Which I believe might put the provider in a bad situation
Whats your take?