Pimps Are Preying on Sex Workers Pushed Off the Web Because of FOSTA-SESTA


"Switter is run by sex workers and technologists who have sex workers at the front of their mind when developing new features…Shadow banning sex workers on Twitter has been around long before FOSTA/SESTA. Since the introduction of the law it's only become worse."

UK politicians push for FOSTA SESTA-style sex censorship



rexdutchman's Avatar
Yea this doesn't help anyone , but that's not the point the fed will make money some how just saying
Please... I had some one off here RECENTLY ask me if I had "folks" and then solicited me for that bullshit... Funny thing they are on here in co-ed daily. Its every where. The wbole situation is out of control.
not only switter supports the independent sex workers, https://vipgirlfriend.xxx does as well
pyramider's Avatar
Pimps have to stay active or cash flow declines. The real problem is the predators. They prey on the newbie ladies, and the experienced ladies. Their game is to circumvent screening and then take liberties. With the newbie ladies, they tell them they must bbfs or no one will see them or give a free/heavily discounted session because the upcoming review will really boost their business.
TinMan's Avatar
Please... I had some one off here RECENTLY ask me if I had "folks" and then solicited me for that bullshit... Funny thing they are on here in co-ed daily. Its every where. The wbole situation is out of control. Originally Posted by TexasJess
What’s his handle?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-22-2018, 10:14 AM
With the newbie ladies, they tell them they must bbfs or no one will see them or give a free/heavily discounted session because the upcoming review will really boost their business. Originally Posted by pyramider
You a 2018 pimp? I remember the pimp game being different in the movies
Bflexible's Avatar
Please... I had some one off here RECENTLY ask me if I had "folks" and then solicited me for that bullshit... Funny thing they are on here in co-ed daily. Its every where. The wbole situation is out of control. Originally Posted by TexasJess
I recall rencently you were pimping a lady after soliciting business for her here https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2367080&highlight=. It really is everywhere, as you say.
Carmella_love69's Avatar
Damn lol^^^
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-22-2018, 02:57 PM
I recall rencently you were pimping a lady after soliciting business for her here https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2367080&highlight=. It really is everywhere, as you say. Originally Posted by Bflexible
Another 2018 pimp newbie lol
Chung Tran's Avatar
pot.. meet kettle
Bflexible's Avatar
Are you wearing a dress, Chung? I've heard whispers.
I recall rencently you were pimping a lady after soliciting business for her here https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2367080&highlight=. It really is everywhere, as you say. Originally Posted by Bflexible
I read that thread and she was helping out a friend. I do not consider that to be a bad thing.
Meredith's Avatar
I’ve been in this for a little over 3 years and up until about a month ago nobody has ever tried to recruit me. I’ve been propositioned 3 times. None of them are on eccie to my knowledge. It’s the same approach every time. I have absolutely no interest in any “help”. I don’t think I need a “team”. I have kids older than these guys. They must be desperate. That’s not good.
And my custom user title is still the same ...