Timely Reminder

tman1847's Avatar
The danger to America is not Joe Biden but a citizenry capable of a entrusting a man like him with the presidency.

It t will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Biden presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.

The problem is much deeper and far more serious and Mr. Biden who is a mere symptom of what ails America.

Blaming the prince of fools should not bind anyone to the vast Confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Biden who is after all merely a fool.

It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.
Great post.
“He who takes from Peter and gives to Paul can always count o Paul’s support”.
Never has this been more true than in todays political climate.

Couple this with Joseph Stalin’s famous saying…..”it matters not who votes, or how many vote. What matters is who counts the votes”, and we have todays America.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Great post.
“He who takes from Peter and gives to Paul can always count o Paul’s support”.
Never has this been more true than in todays political climate.

Couple this with Joseph Stalin’s famous saying…..”it matters not who votes, or how many vote. What matters is who counts the votes”, and we have todays America. Originally Posted by Jackie S

I was going to post a poll on this very topic.

Which Joe said it better:
1) Stalin: "it matters not who votes, or how many vote. What matters is who counts the votes”
2) Biden: “The struggle is no longer just who gets to vote, or making it easier for eligible people to vote – it’s who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all!”
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Same society that allowed the lunatic criminal Trump to ascend to the throne and now has no grip on reality at any level.

Oh the humanity.
Same society that allowed the lunatic criminal Trump to ascend to the throne and now has no grip on reality at any level.

Oh the humanity. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yeah right. Trump has a tight grip on reality he exposed the enemy such as the Media and the deceptive Liberal Politicians. Joe Biden and his whole inept administration have proven Trump right. You're just too dam blind to see it.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Same society that allowed the lunatic criminal Trump to ascend to the throne and now has no grip on reality at any level.

Oh the humanity. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
mmmm I thought you voted Hillary before.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’ve seen this somewhere before. Then again, we’re talking about Biden, so plagiarism is perfectly acceptable.
I’ve seen this somewhere before. Then again, we’re talking about Biden, so plagiarism is perfectly acceptable. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That's another problem Biden has he never has an original thought. That's why he's the perfect puppet.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Same society that allowed the lunatic criminal Trump to ascend to the throne and now has no grip on reality at any level.

Oh the humanity. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yeah right. Trump has a tight grip on reality he exposed the enemy such as the Media and the deceptive Liberal Politicians. Joe Biden and his whole inept administration have proven Trump right. You're just too dam blind to see it. Originally Posted by Levianon17

A difference of opinion. Media isn't the enemy if they are reporting facts. Fox News offers opinion and calls it news. MSNBC does the same but at least the word news isn't in their name.

Yssup is right. Pot calling kettle black.
tman1847's Avatar
I’ve seen this somewhere before. Then again, we’re talking about Biden, so plagiarism is perfectly acceptable. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Title says, "Timely Reminder"
Posted several months ago, Since there has been NO improvement in Bidens performance, It's was time for a reminder of how we got in this mess
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
A difference of opinion. Media isn't the enemy if they are reporting facts. Fox News offers opinion and calls it news. MSNBC does the same but at least the word news isn't in their name.

Yssup is right. Pot calling kettle black. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Since you don't watch let me fill you in. Fox news has news and opinion. They are both separate. Now, sometimes Fox news has opinion makers on as guests (just like all the rest) but they are labeled as contributers and not reporters. When you can't tell them apart, you've been watching CNN too long.
Title says, "Timely Reminder"
Posted several months ago, Since there has been NO improvement in Bidens performance, It's was time for a reminder of how we got in this mess Originally Posted by tman1847
... See? ... America really IS the Land of Truth.

Biden has been a sad ABSOLUTE DISASTER and his
poll numbers surely reflect that.

People see this for what it truly is - and the
liberal main stream media have no way to stop it.

People are just tuning them OUT.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You’re incredibly obsessed with President Biden’s poll numbers.

Not very Salty, if you ask me.

More like a Trumpling.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Title says, "Timely Reminder"
Posted several months ago, Since there has been NO improvement in Bidens performance, It's was time for a reminder of how we got in this mess Originally Posted by tman1847
Yep. I think we all know how “we got into this mess.”

... They're holding up their cellular phones there.

... Sad and odd that YOU can't see that... No surprise, though.

### Salty