Provider Ads without pics

I have noticed as I look through the provider ad sections that there are several without pics, but reference their websites. While that is great and I would probably hit their website if interested at any rate, I do find a nice pic or two within the ad catches my attention much quicker. Since in the latter days of the other site, they ladies couldn't post nude pics, such restrictions do not exist here.

I was wondering if anyone else would like to weigh in on this topic.

Happy hobbying!!!
okie69696's Avatar
I agree 100%....providers ads without pics I just seem to skip right over them...especially if your in a hurry to find one in a particular area. Just FYI for those providers out there...
johnnybax's Avatar
I agree totally. Hell I find myself skimming over many craigslist for sale ads without pics. lol
What I have found is this ...As a lady of few pics myself (intentionaly for discretionary reasons)
Ads with out pictures tend to detour impulse shoppers which in turn also cuts back on a good number of other "less desirable things".
johnnybax's Avatar
What I have found is this ...As a lady of few pics myself (intentionaly for discretionary reasons)
Ads with out pictures tend to detour impulse shoppers which in turn also cuts back on a good number of other "less desirable things". Originally Posted by Jessy Stone
I understand your point. But there is a huge difference between "few pics" and no pics.
Mr Clever's Avatar
Its hard to select a girl with no pics. A girl with a blurred face is different. I can say that its a hit and miss thing. I've pulled the trigger on lots of girls with blurred faces and either fell in love or did the naughty with my eyes closed.

I prefer to go into a session knowing what the entire package looks like.
Sport0728's Avatar
I will have to agree, if there is no pic I almost always just skip over it and go on to the next one.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 01-08-2010, 05:38 PM
While I never completely believe anything I see on the internet at least with a picture there is the likelihood that the person in question looked that way at some point in time. I have been pleasantly surprised that the picture did not do justice to the lady about the same number of times as I have been disappointed. Of course that was on sites other than Craigs List or Backpage.
johnnybax's Avatar
Gentlemen, can you imagine how the providers feel everytime a new client walks in? I am suprised I have yet to run across a provider that asks for a picture of me prior to scheduling.

Am I the only one thinking this way?

A SURPRISING number of gents OFFER pictures of themselves prior to meeting. ( and NO, I am NOT talking about the picture of their "manhood" that FAR TOO MANY supply without consulting the ladies...) And that is often AFTER learnign that this picture will nto lead to an EXCHANGE of pics.

So while many do not ask, some DO get them.
If we did that, none of us would ever get laid... lol
johnnybax's Avatar

A SURPRISING number of gents OFFER pictures of themselves prior to meeting. ( and NO, I am NOT talking about the picture of their "manhood" that FAR TOO MANY supply without consulting the ladies...) And that is often AFTER learnign that this picture will nto lead to an EXCHANGE of pics.

So while many do not ask, some DO get them. Originally Posted by lemontrees

your selective CAPS reminds me of FieryJade
johnnybax's Avatar
If we did that, none of us would ever get laid... lol Originally Posted by cmpjnky
thats what I'm sayin! Cuz I am one ugly mug
ANONONE's Avatar
You could always click the link and look at their website or, heaven forbid, type a real quick, polite PM.

How much effort does that take, about as much as teasing a clitoris--heck it is almost the same finger motion.


your selective CAPS reminds me of FieryJade Originally Posted by johnnybax