Highest-Rent City?


No. It's Williston, ND! Blame it on the oil boom.

That was reported on the evening News also.

What's amazing is the USA now is producing and exporting more oil and natural gas than Saudi Arabia, yet gas prices are going up at the pumps! So much for 'supply & demand' along with the 'free market system', which is a myth....LOL
In reality ALL is manipulated today by powerful corporate forces. It's time for some serious trust busting and serious regulation to put some fear into these thieving crooks!
JohnnyCap's Avatar
That was reported on the evening News also.

What's amazing is the USA now is producing and exporting more oil and natural gas than Saudi Arabia, yet gas prices are going up at the pumps! So much for 'supply & demand' along with the 'free market system', which is a myth....LOL
In reality ALL is manipulated today by powerful corporate forces. It's time for some serious trust busting and serious regulation to put some fear into these thieving crooks! Originally Posted by Celso
I imagine that sentiment would get you banned from the Texas boards; that's probably the source of big hobby dollars down that way.

I'd be fine if the raised gas 25-50% in taxes, they could cover the debt in short order.
I'd be fine if the raised gas 25-50% in taxes, they could cover the debt in short order. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
LOL, Banks wouldn't like that at all!!!
Banks love the debt and all the interest money they make off our perpetual debt. Pay off the debt and the Bank's gravy train ends. Our massive debt is money in their Banks....
JohnnyCap's Avatar
LOL, Banks wouldn't like that at all!!!
Banks love the debt and all the interest money they make off our perpetual debt. Pay off the debt and the Bank's gravy train ends. Our massive debt is money in their Banks.... Originally Posted by Celso
Yep, there is the source of the rest of the hobby funds, if you include Wall Street finance with banking.
Yep, there is the source of the rest of the hobby funds, if you include Wall Street finance with banking. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
The top 1% are doing GREAT, living high off the hog, while the rest are going broke as the USA sinks into bankruptcy......
The good news: The US could be energy independent and our trade deficit could be reduced.

The bad news: The new-found deep oil and gas reserves have to be extracted using fracking, with highly uncertain environmental consequences. Also, the earth's fossil fuel will be used up sooner or later, and the apparent abundant oil and gas reserves will slow down the development of and transition to renewable energy.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
The good news: The US could be energy independent and our trade deficit could be reduced.

The bad news: The new-found deep oil and gas reserves have to be extracted using fracking, with highly uncertain environmental consequences. Also, the earth's fossil fuel will be used up sooner or later, and the apparent abundant oil and gas reserves will slow down the development of and transition to renewable energy. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Jack, any thoughts on oil sands? I figure eventually we will have to use them, but they're fighting the Canada pipeline last I heard.
Jack, any thoughts on oil sands? I figure eventually we will have to use them, but they're fighting the Canada pipeline last I heard. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
The Keystone pipeline has become a no-win dilemma for the Obama administration. The US now has so much deep oil reserves that Alberta tar-sand oil has become a less important source of supply. On the other hand, the environmental risks of the pipeline are probably over-stated. If Obama turns down the pipeline, he will be attacked by the right and alienate the Canadians. If he approves the pipeline, he will be attacked by the left.

A similar dilemma exists for Andrew Cuomo on whether to allow fracking for gas in NY. There is tremendous pressure from industry and the land owners, but also a lot of concern about the (unknown) long-term environmental consequences.
Guest042416's Avatar
Some on the left especially running for their life to hold senate seats have called for him to approve it.

He needs to approve it and move on to other things,, especially since the senate is up for grabs now this plus Obama care are 2 swords that may hurt him.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Alberta tar-sand oil has become a less important source of supply. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
It's expensive to process, or that pipeline might come a little faster. I suppose an unforeseen technological advance could change things, but so could undiscovered reserves.
The US now has so much deep oil reserves that Alberta tar-sand oil has become a less important source of supply. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Recently discovered massive US natural gas reserves that can easily heat the and even fuel all vehicles in the USA for the next 100 year by current estimates, make expensive to process Alberta tar-sands oil irrelevant and unneeded. Canadian Oilmen and US Oil companies are the only ones making the most noise for a Keystone pipeline.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
but but but
its shovel ready
but but but
its shovel ready Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
The only thing that is really shovel-ready is:

JohnnyCap's Avatar
The only thing that is really shovel-ready is:

Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Darkest side I've seen of you, Jack.