Wall Street Easy Money

This article by a former hedge fund trader on the obscenely easy money culture on Wall Street is worth reading:


In another related story, the 85 richest people in the world have as much total wealth as that of the poorest half of the entire earth's population (3.5 billion people) combined:

Lot of truth in that article.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
What a piece of shit, to this day. Like an alcoholic that claims his kids deserved the beating.

Jack, have you seen Wolf of Wall St? Any thoughts? I won't see it at the theatre. I know it will piss me off, but I also won't see a three hour movie without an intermission.
Jack, have you seen Wolf of Wall St? Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
No, I have not. In any case, reality might be even more dramatic than fiction when it comes to Wall Street misdeeds.
Guest042416's Avatar
saw the movie last night and the real life person was just on cnn talking about it
lots of it very real some made up shit for hollwood like they usally do, but most is true according the man himself and his ex wife as well.

Good movie, not surprised at all.

lots of pussy in the movie too
Plastic Man's Avatar
lol typical nyt liberal class warfare bullshit bunch of damned socialist hypocrites who want to control everyone
Guest042416's Avatar
plastic man u fool. The man came to them to write the article, u fool

Its not a writers opinion, its a factual story u fool
Plastic Man's Avatar
u fool you have no idea how and what opinions are chosen at nyt you fool typical libtard bullshit about money corrupting and how nice for mlk day too u fool
enjoy your coming socialism u fool
Plastic Man's Avatar
ps its completely a writers opinion thats why its on the OPINION page u fool
JohnnyCap's Avatar
What a piece of shit, to this day. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
I really didn't like the tone of that article; Addiction doesn't go away. It can be managed but it doesn't go anywhere. I don't get a sense he really gets it, and I don't honor him for taking his and giving a little back. I went to his charity website to let him know and I guess I'm just posting this 'cause I thought better of it. Still I think what he was doing was as much theft as addiction, and that's why I speak in derogatory tones.

As for the other subject, the movie, go see Nebraska and feel good.. My suggestion at least.
Guest042416's Avatar
Sam Polk is a former hedge-fund trader and the founder of the nonprofit Groceryships
HES NOT A WRITER, its his story he now works for a nonprofit organization he is not paid to write by the NYT.

Sam Polk google him and read and learn
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Sam Polk is a former hedge-fund trader and the founder of the nonprofit Groceryships
HES NOT A WRITER, its his story he now works for a nonprofit organization he is not paid to write by the NYT.

Sam Polk google him and read and learn Originally Posted by bjwstw
Not sure why you guys argue, i think pm is still on wolf.

S Polk did write the article (opinion, not ft pd writer, agreed) and founded gships, not just an employee
JohnnyCap's Avatar
No, I have not. In any case, reality might be even more dramatic than fiction when it comes to Wall Street misdeeds. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Probably must be in some details. Margin Call was a good movie.
Guest042416's Avatar
that's all I was trying to tell him johnny.

p man always upset he needs to do a review and get laid
Anyone who does not trust the New York Times can always turn to the Wall Street Journal to read about outragious salaries and bonuses, insider trading, credit default swaps, foreclosure fraud, and other financial/corporate criminality.