Just something to think about

I have often wondered why some providers show their faces on their pictures. I've advised a few I've seen to stop this practice. I will advise it even more so now. As most of you have heard, Google Glass is now for sale for $1500. I have no idea if google imagining is incorporated into these glasses but I have no doubt that if it isn't yet, it soon will be. It will SOON be very easy for practically anyone to know what you do if your face is showing. Remember VCR's once cost thousands of dollars and yet they are dirt cheap now IF you can find one. The same will happen with Google Glass and tech glasses from other companies. Sooner rather than later they will be common and your identity will be constantly at risk. Remember, a good businessperson, no matter the business, stays ahead if the game. Hide your face ladies. Be safe.
This Google Glass is news to me. Thanks for the intel! Could you please PM me any specifics that can help keep my identity as safe as possible, regarding this Google Glass?
Agreed, it's a bad move to show your face. I want plausible deniability.
Marshpirate's Avatar
The Federal Database. It started with fingerprints, AFIS. And then there was DNA, CODIS. Now there is facial recognition, NGI.
As much as we want to see your lovely faces, take heed on the OP's advice.
Agreed on not showing face, duh! Y'all know that already though