Providers that don't just see white/hispanic guys

  • Pb1
  • 04-01-2016, 08:58 PM
Is there such a list to save me the trouble of checking out provider ads only to find out that they don't see AA, Mixed, Asian, Indian guys?

I've been around since the ASPD days and really don't recall this being such a big deal back then...girls such as SallyXXX, AlexisSA, Nikki, Gina, Ciera to name a few I can remember.

And for the record, unless a providers preference is old, flabby, white guys, then yes they are prejudiced.
  • Pb1
  • 04-01-2016, 08:59 PM
haha just saw the sticky...carry on
Britttany_love's Avatar
Yes sweetie there is a huge sticky at the top of coed
For others who may have missed this. List of AA friendly ladies...
Well, you AA's can always count on me. Of course, we're independent providers and I personally fuck who I want (& fuck who I don't)and I think we all have that right to be discriminating. I like fuck in black guys, and I think I may get why some girls are scared to see you guys. Now these aren't necessarily my opinions, but what I hear from the girls I know. Are they ignorant and extremely basic and unevolved? Uh, yeah. But here it is:
1. The dicks too big. Well, the there's some truth to that. I happen to have the numbers on that. 60% of the time, it's 40% bigger. So there's that, but ladies, if you're an escort, taking big dick is pretty much all in a days work, and, let's face it: you've probably seen enough dick for two lifetimes, get off the gas, your pussys 's not as tiny as you think. But yeah, they're a bit bigger.
2. There's a smell around the scrotal area. I have a friend who claims this, and people with darker skin can have a different body odor, and these delicate flowers can't have that. Because white men's balls don't get musty, they get kinda doughy smelling, it's weird, yes. And yes, I WILL SAY any Damn thing that comes into my jead. But anyway, a baking soda bath can fix the funk.
3. Black guys are rough or overly aggressive. And that can be kinda hot, big ole strong buck just manhandling little ol'me,...what was I talking about? ...oh yeah, OK AA's be mindful of this preconception and put a leash on that thang, at least until she learns to like it.
4. AA'S don't pay right. All right, Brothers here's how you beat that stereotype: have that money right, it's not really up for debate. No one wants to haggle, especially about their worth. And hey guys,
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Regarding Sophie's post....
The largest guy I've been with was a 19 yr old WHITE guy (11-13 inches depending how excite he was)! I've been with black guys who are 3 or 4 inches up to 10 or 11 inches. Most that I've met in the hobby have been average (4-6 inches), with a few exceptions.
As for scent or odor, we all have our own scent. Whether this is genetics, soaps, race or whatever the case may be. It can be unique to that person or to the race.
As for being rougher ... I've been with some black men that are more passionate and tender than white guys. I agree that AA men do tend to be more aggressive, but it's up to the lady to say if it's too rough for them.
I have black guys that are more of a clock watcher to make sure that they don't go over. EVERY race has the propensity for not paying our rates.

I'm not disagreeing in any way, just making other observations as well.