New Orleans Sucks.....

MonaLisaTillWeOverdose's Avatar
Between the bi-polar weather, and the lack of clients.....I'm going nuts! I came back in town a little over a month ago, and I'm very disappointed! Been posting here and on BP ...slowest month ever!!! Wtf, what did I do?
It always gets this way around Christmas.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Your free. Rock on.... oh and yes it's slow here.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
I love new orleans sorry you are having a hard time!
I am sorry you're having such a bad time new orleans has not been great to a lot of the out of town providers, however you have to establish your niche in order to fit in. New orleans is not for everybody and therefore some come here and say that new orleans sucks like yourself LOL. But new orleans doesn't suck in a bad way you just have to find a way to fit in and once you do that I'm quite sure you will make money while you're here. Yes it's been kind of slow, but if you know how to make money you will survive.
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto...I used to kick ass when i lived there....and now when i cum back,I do very well.....Just be patient and have fun baby!!
gimme_that's Avatar
Just in the visual part of your past reviews......there was hygiene issues in one, pics said to be old, etc. A smelly vagina claim in a review is the kiss of death most times. I'd just make a whole new name and persona.

The reviewer at the time was a pretty well known guy.

Not saying you can't come back from that......but I can't name many providers here locally that came back strong from a smelly vagina or lack of hygiene review......
Thanks GT.
Any provider should appreciate when told
If there Is a smell down there. I myself would appreciate It If a
client told me I had a less than fresh smell.

If you want you're welcome to PM or call me, maybe I can help.
If the odor can be corrected w/a soap and water fix.
I can give you some steps on how to properly wash the Vagina.

Please don't be offended.

Mona, Next time do a little bit more research. There Is a reason the handle skipper504
Is on the Ignore list.
He seems to only see black providers just to give them NO reviews.

BEWARE of his type!!!!
pyramider's Avatar
Taint photos generate business.
Discreet referrals's Avatar
It's never been slow during Christmas. Actually picks up.
The sudden change in weather today was a pleasant surprise!
A lady has to know how to market herself with very tasteful words and artful photos.
She has to carry herself like a woman and not some random street trash...
She has to make herself appealing to the masses...
Just my .02
Girl I'm struggling with the same problem! 2 years ago from September to January my phone did not stop ringing now since I came back in September my phone does not ring at all however I am low volume but not no volume it's been crazy and I personally blame back Page I really wish that our members would stick with this site and P for one one to safe and
verified! Hopefully things will change sooner better than later ! Good luck to you girl ! It's been rough! I've been in shock because of all the conventions and still nothing!
It also doesn't help that there has been a bigger police presence recently. I know several people who have recent run ins.
Girl I'm struggling with the same problem! 2 years ago from September to January my phone did not stop ringing now since I came back in September my phone does not ring at all however I am low volume but not no volume it's been crazy and I personally blame back Page I really wish that our members would stick with this site and P for one one to safe and
verified! Hopefully things will change sooner better than later ! Good luck to you girl ! It's been rough! I've been in shock because of all the conventions and still nothing! Originally Posted by Alicia1
Is NOT the problem... The problem is that a lot of ladies won't screen guys, and then when good providers who do screen ask a guy for info. he just doesn't want to provide it.

Also a lot of ladies are now offering QV and BNG only so the cheap guys come out of the woodwork.

Ladies need to step up their game and start offering good quality professional services. Stop ripping guys off, and stop with the bait and switch antics...

Backpage was around way before Eccie, and will be around long after...IJS

But I admit it is slower than usual, because people are unsure of the economy situation due to the election of a new President.
