Help!! Traveling Question

I'm going out of town on business next week and wanted to bring some sex toys along. Can anyone give me some advice on traveling with sex toys? I wil be checking them not carrying on. Thanks in advance!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I would say to remove the batteries from anything that has them. I remember reading a story once where a vibrator inadvertently turned on inside a a bag. Apparently TSA freaked out about it!
Not to mention that batteries look like explosives, and some are used in timers and such.
Still Looking's Avatar
Batteries are no go or should be checked. Toys along with a bible should be placed in the seat next to you. If its open seating, you'll have lots of room!
If you have checked luggage put the toys in there it will avoid less of a headache when they do their "random" searches.
I had an entertaining time last time getting through security, I have an very common arabic last name, so I'm always put through the ringer. It took everything in my power not to laugh when the male security guard yanked out my giant purple jelly dildo and almost threw it back in my bad when he realized what his hand where on.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Batteries are no go or should be checked. Toys along with a bible should be placed in the seat next to you. If its open seating, you'll have lots of room! Originally Posted by Still Looking
tia travels's Avatar
I would just buy them once you get to your location. I've had 2 instances where I was embarrassed. One was pre 911. Had dildos in carry-on. Ran bag through Xray machine and they decided to search my bag. But the reason was not for the dildos, but rather for a cat toy I had in my bag. It was a long metal pole and they weren't sure about it. But the embarrassing part was they were pulling stuff out of my bag in the open there and the dildos were in the same bag.

I whispered to them as soon as I could that I don't think:
#1). We should pull things out here in public...
#2). I wouldn't put my bare hands in there...there are sex toys in there.

Three of them look at each other and then decide to take me a few feet away to a table partitioned with screens. Once I said sex toys, I think they wanted to know see what they were. They seemed to have fun with it. The folks standing behind me in line probably thought I had a GUN with me and wondered why an innocent looking lady such as myself had to go to a separate section.


The other embarrassing thing did NOT include a sex toy but they assumed it did. I have a sonic toothbrush that somehow went off on its own while a bellman was unloading my luggage. He said "Ummm, Mam, your bag is buzzing." I started to turn red because I thought 'oh no he thinks its a vibrator.'

I said, "he he's not what you think" as I tried quickly to open the vanity case and show him...fumbling with the lock, I finally open it and pull out the toothbrush. "See??? LOL" (He smiled too but I was super embarrassed for what seemed like an eternity til I got it opened.)


Moral of that story, like the folks above said, take the batteries out of your items beforehand and my opinion would be to avoid the embarrassment altogether and buy on location. Since 911, I haven't been flying much if at all, so I can't tell you from experience how often my bags might have been checked/searched, but prior to, I'd get random searches more often than I thought was usual. I can only imagine what it would be like now. Seems like more folks have things broken or stolen from their bags since the rule is to leave bags unlocked.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
If Possible, Remove the Batteries: This is the surefire way to prevent a sex toy from accidentally turning on during transit and discharging all its battery power. Place your batteries in a plastic bag and store them separately.
Choose Products With a Lock Feature: If you're traveling with a rechargeable vibrating toy, or one with a battery can't be removed, check if it has a lock feature. This will prevent it from turning on, even if its buttons are accidentally pressed.
Pack Small/Discreetly Designed Products: Small toys are perfect for travel, as they can be stashed just about anywhere and are less likely to draw attention. Alternatively, a larger vibrator with a simple, understated design (e.g. no zebra stripes or glittery rabbit ears) can be an ideal option.
Pack It Between Other Items: Rather than let a sex toy roam freely in your carry-on or luggage, pack it in a carrying case or plastic bag and place it between layers of clothing. Should your bag get searched, this will buy you time to quietly explain that you're carrying a sex accessory and ask that your bag be searched in private.

Personally I would just buy new ones at your final destination than go through all this crap
simple- check your bags instead of carrying them with you in the plane..
Elizabeth Whispers may have some experience with toy travels or toy travails.
You guys are awesome. It will be packed In my checked baggage. No batteries and I will put it in my separate bag I pack my shower stuff in. If it's checked they won't pull me out to explain what it is will they?
Dragon7769's Avatar
careful with some of the toys with the different rubbers and such. One girl I knew put everything in one drawer at home and it all "melted" together. She was quite upset her toy collection was ruined and freaked out by what those toys must be made of to "melt" like that when placed together
tia travels's Avatar
You guys are awesome. It will be packed In my checked baggage. No batteries and I will put it in my separate bag I pack my shower stuff in. If it's checked they won't pull me out to explain what it is will they? Originally Posted by bigtex16
No but by having it in your CHECKED luggage and if they see something suspicious, it gives them reason to not only check your baggage, but the possibility of it being confiscated, damaged, lost, or delayed. I would have just brought it on board and taken the chance of being pulled aside, (unless you don't care what happens to your clothes and other stuff in your Lou-Gaajzh.
pyramider's Avatar
I am shocked that no one has suggested that they be inserted in various body cavities . . .
DallasRain's Avatar
I always take batteries out...and carry my toys in a diaper bag