Yet another example of why pre-paying is a bad idea

Ralph Fults's Avatar
[Plano Retiree Is Fed Up With Men Seeking Sex Sent to Her Doorstep

I suspect one of this women’s neighbor is behind it all.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-25-2023, 11:34 PM
Shows you how many suckers prepay deposits, she does have one good point, we are nasty old Men looking to have sex.
ahab11's Avatar
These idiots deserve to get arrested for Solicitation although knocking on someone's door asking for sex from Rhonda is that a crime?

You should be allowed to shoot them.

Red Flags all over that entire scenario.
Kmac's Avatar
  • Kmac
  • 01-26-2023, 01:19 PM
She said she was packing a .357 !
pmdelites's Avatar
i think this is where the castle doctrine comes into play - one cannot legally shoot someone on their property, unless it's self-defense or defending someone else from harm.
they can if the visitor/skel is inside the shooter's home/apt/etc.
Wiesbadenwillie's Avatar
Shows you how many suckers prepay deposits, she does have one good point, we are nasty old Men looking to have sex. Originally Posted by BLM69
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Who are you calling OLD?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-26-2023, 08:47 PM
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Who are you calling OLD? Originally Posted by Wiesbadenwillie
Some are older than others 😆, I fuck with a Rhonda, nothing I would ever pay for in the hobby world but it's free.......
Whenever I run into a prepay/deposit scammer who offers a great incall rate, I manage to shut them up by offering to skip the deposit in favor of going slightly above their rate in person.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-31-2023, 08:31 PM
Whenever I run into a prepay/deposit scammer who offers a great incall rate, I manage to shut them up by offering to skip the deposit in favor of going slightly above their rate in person. Originally Posted by Willhunting
Above their rate? How about not giving the whore any business for even asking for a deposit