Mysticalbreeze's Avatar
What do yall do for a hobby phone? Do you have two phones? An app you like to use? My current burner app is a total POS and I don’t receive texts as I should, as well as it not sending out texts like it should. I’m not sure what the the problem is, but I’m looking for a solution!

So what works best for yall?! Help a sister out 💋
I use TextNow
Seperate hobby phone for me. Buy minutes with cash only...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
We each have 2nd handheld phones that different business outfits pay for.

That said, go with a text app if cost effective is a required thing.
Unfortunately, we’ve never met……yet. But I have been using an app simply called “Burner”. But if u look it up in the App Store, it is listed as “Burner: Second Phone Number”. Some features I wish it had, but overall I’s worked for me pretty good at a minimal cost. Feel free to DM me if any questions.
google voice app
Audrey Astor's Avatar
2 phones
Mysticalbreeze's Avatar
I think I’m gonna have to jump on the 2 phone thing
“I got two phones, one for the bitches and one for the dough”
Okay, focus Bree…

I’ve been using the burner app and it just honestly sucks.
The hardest part is going to be having to change my number
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Try port the number to the new phone.
But yes, everyone I know uses a 2nd phone.
For which there are ways to not have your rw name listed.
I use telekinesis or mind shit
Works 60% of the time everytime!
HotKinkyCougar's Avatar
I definitely recommend Google voice.. it's an app you download on your phone.. you pick a brand new phone number that is not affiliated with your life in any way shape or form you can use a different area code you can use it for texting and making calls. You can uninstall it every night and reinstall it the next day and your conversation stay there..