The Golden Shower!?! R.Kelly Cant Be The Only One!!

Of course we all know R.Kelly loves to give a golden shower here and there, but what is the attraction? Is it safe to say it gives the same satisfaction as climaxing? Does it give the men a feeling of control? Also, how is it performed? What have been some of your experiences? I want to know how both sides feel about this activity.

Let's share some juicy details!
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Well just like most other activities, people are into it for all different reasons- cause it's nasty, cause they like the way it tastes or feels, cause it turns them on, cause it's taboo and they want to try it, cause they did it before and can't stop thinking about it, etc. I don't think it gives the "same" satisfaction as climax, but for many guys it's more important than climax! For some it's simply icing on the cake. Many guys like to receive golden showers also. I like golden showers because it's a way to get nasty that is also safe- no risk of STD transmission or anything (unless there is red in their golden shower).
Poor R. Kelly. No one is going to remember his music. He will only be remembered for giving golden showers.
I'm not into golden showers but I can see where some of the similarity with having an orgasim. Imagine hold it for such a long time. Being teased about the release then BLAM you let her rip and boy that is such a