My suggestions on avoiding an arrest

I had a VERY close call about a month ago - completely unrelated to meeting the girl I did that is - but nonetheless there I was standing outside a hotel at 3am waiting for the police to show up.

We were in the room from before midnight until about 3am when I was leaving and the girl was going to pick up a roommate. I was the first leaving and she in her car behind me when someone runs in front of my car waving their hand and pointing something at me. Luckily it turned out to be a phone. All I heard him say was "nobody is leaving, the police are on their way" and I was freaked out.

Turns out someone stole his mobile phone and some cash from the front desk. Thought it was us as we were leaving. The trouble got worse when the girl behind me got scared and went out the other exit - making the suspicion go through the roof.

I had to call and text to have her come back because the guy got her license plate number and her room reservation info.

But, the cops showed up first and I got GRILLED for 30 minutes on who I was, what I was doing, who I was with, how we knew each other, what her name was, what she did for a living, when was she coming back.

So this brings me to suggestions...if you can get the name on the reservation for the room do it because if I gave a name that was not the same as that on the room things would have gotten MUCH worse.

I had some time to send texts with our "back story" on where we met and when and that she asked me to come over as she waited until she had to pick up her roommate from work and that she was staying in the room because her AC was out.

Her saying the same things to the police was the only thing stopping an arrest.

So try to have a name, a story, and cool nerves when coming or going.

I try to be an outcall only person really shook me.

Just trying to pass along a story that may help out others in the hobby...both provider and client.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Well this helps if it's unrelated. But if they kick in the door while both of you are naked and money is within site your love story wouldn't really work. Especially if they were already watching you.

Thanks for the advice though.
gimme_that's Avatar
This is the most strangest piece of advice ever.....moreso because it will require you to know the providers real name.....or the pimp who rented it for her.....that's a tentative contrived fantasy I don't need to learn or be prepared for....if I do I'm really at the wrong hotel....with the wrong the wrong circumstance.....

Was this a backpage chick who did this with no reviews maybe.why would he single you out....because you fit the profile of a john. You said you both left at the same time.......maybe he assumed you were the pimp in charge of the person who robbed him.

What you are asking guys to do is come up with shady ways to get ladies names or info when they check in....and that sounds suspect and shady as hell..

Maybe u meant different but its weird man.way too much info to need.

You would do better on outcall. But if the same situation arose......pointed finer and all what really could you have done differently.......
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-08-2013, 07:44 AM
The same things can happen incall or outcall, the only difference is which party knows the "real" information. While I agree with the OP in principle, the actual implementation requires TRUST both ways. Not always the easiest thing to achieve.

I have been fortunate; similar things have happened to me twice, but both times I was with a lady I did know well and while it was an annoyance, it was not a real threat. In both cases I knew the lady's name, kids' names, where she lived, worked, birthday, etc. And they both knew similar about me. But then I had known them for many years. It didn't stop one of the cops from being a real jerk, but there was nothing he could do about two people having an evening out that wound up in a hotel room together.

Sometimes it comes down to bad timing, and to protect yourself against one potential problem (LE) you have to decide if you are willing to risk a different potentially bad problem (giving out personal info to someone you don't know). Not any good options until a level of trust IS developed.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-08-2013, 07:47 AM
Well this helps if it's unrelated. But if they kick in the door while both of you are naked and money is within site your love story wouldn't really work. Especially if they were already watching you.

Thanks for the advice though. Originally Posted by MaryBeth
Agree, though it can still be made easier or harder for them to make their case. Again, once some level of trust is developed the risk can be GREATLY reduced for both parties. LE plays upon the distrust between the two people.
pyramider's Avatar
It almost sounds like the OP wants his future appointments to give him all types of personal info so he can replay the LE scenario.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
What could they have arrested you for being out at 3 AM?
pyramider's Avatar
Public Intoxication or General Stupidity.
canuckvic's Avatar
fuck really? ever thought that the two of you just met at the bar and hit the sack for some raw sex," she never said her name officer"
Oh that will be a fine for stupidity or bad memory, can't remember which bylaw that is....