The "Sophisticated" Provider...

Shiloh Stevens's Avatar
Gentlemen: when you read a provider's ad with a description "sophisticated" what is the first thing that comes to mind?
1. The provider's website is sophisticated? Her description? Her photos?
2. The provider's demeanor is sophisticated?
3. The provider's incall is sophisticated and upscale?
4. The provider's world knowledge and insight reflects her sophistication?

When you actually meet the lady and develop a great connection...what do you find about her that is actually sophisticated and appealing?

Sophisticated: a person's thoughts, reactions and level of understanding; a person's awareness of and ability to interpret complex issues. Also describes someone having a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge.

Upscale: relating to the more expensive or affluent (wealthy) sector of the market.

Providers: how would you describe a sophisticated hobbyist?
1. He sends an initial email with the necessary screening information and conducts himself in a professional manner?
2. He takes you on a date to an upscale restaurant?
3. He brings an expensive bottle of wine and has great conversation?
4. He is a well-read individual/university graduate/CEO, etc. who intrigues you?

Please do share...and have you ever been misled into thinking that someone is sophisticated?
Sophistication, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. What one person believes is sophisticated may not me to another. One may be very knowledgeable about a certain subject, or subjects, and can relate well accordingly. Yet at the same time, that same person could be totally inexperienced about many other subjects.
Example: one person knows fine wines, dining, etc. that person is sophisticated in that area. another knows finances, money flow, stocks and bonds, but hasn't a clue about wines etc.
Both are sophisticated in their areas.
Very few are sophisticated in all areas.
So when a provider states "sophisticated" I assume she means in her area of expertise, and most probably some others as well that deal with her work.
Being unsophisticated about something does not mean dumb, stupid, uneducated etc. by any means. Just not experienced in that area.
Cityjazz's Avatar
dwrich thinks you're sophisticated... that's all I need to know about you. For others, I'd have to say that sophistication is defined by what's inside of you... brain, heart, and soul.
I am a professional person and an experienced hobbyist and the few providers that I frequent epitomize the words "upscale & sophisticated". A provider that has it together for instance a well written ad, website, professional pix and above all honesty. If your a BBW say so (love me a curvy girl) if your 45 don't say that your 35 (love me a mature sexy lady) if you smoke just say so (don't dig the smokers breath, yuk) they're are hobbyists out there for every type of provider so just be honest. In the final analysis although this is an extremely fun hobby for us for the providers this is a business and they should treat it like one if they want to make good money. I can't speak for all of my fellow hobbyists but I can speak for the many that I know and share info with; those ladies who conduct themselves professionaly and in a "sophisticated & upscale" manor are far more likely to recieve the business of "upscale & sophisticated" hobbyists (we're the guys with the money). Just one mans opinion, happy hobbying...
Much like "upscale" and "exclusive" an ad anyway it might as well be a blank space. Have yet to see an ad for a crude, cheap provider for the masses :-)
Sophistication Is Something You Either Have OR You DON'T!!!

It Comes From The Way That You Were Brought Up, And

The Experiences That Your Environment Has Provided For

You. It Is The Way You Carry Yourself, They Way You Deal

With People And Situations, The Way You Communicate And

Express Yourself, And MOST CERTAINLY Being Well Traveled


It's Kind Of Like The Saying - "If You Have To Ask How Much


SAME THING - If You Have To Ask "What" It Is - Then You Aren't "That"!!!






Sophisticated, Sexy, Gorgeous, Beautiful, Humble etc.. are all relative terms and only have substance and power when granted to you by another objective party.
It only takes one person to make you feel any of these as we are all Sophisticated, Attractive or Sexy to someone somewhere down the food chain.

The catch is these words become meaningless and even detrimental when used as Self descriptions.

A man described as Humble by others is generally thought to be so. That is least until he describes himself as such. Then he is viewed as quite the opposite.
The same applies to sophisticated, beautiful and sexy. Nothing wrong with believing you are these things but using these terms to toot one's own horn neutralizes them and can even cause you to come across as anything but sophisticated.
I agree Shiloh Stevens, and A. Lilly. Also to mention well respected people with standards about their lifestyle. People who are considerate and it is ok to say you are sophisticated and to prefer it. Although it is not needed to be stated. When other people share a common interest they are most compatible with and they will continue to keep relations with such people with whom keep their own way of thinking and will always have a good balance of life with the public. The finer life of white table cloth dining and an elegant evening dress having conversation with business people who strive to make their lives the best they can , well groomed people of good genetic background.... It is a positive and nothing negative.... It is also in one's bloodline, and how one is raised. Thank you for this well stated post Stevens.
budman33's Avatar
If you can take her into the 'W', Uchi, Driskill, 4 seasons and not only does she look like she belongs there but also every other dude is trying not to look but is failing because the lady he is with is pissed.

that works for me. Idina is my favorite that fits that to a T
Shiloh Stevens's Avatar
These comments are all very detailed perspectives from a very sophisticated group in ATX. Thank you for your input.

I do agree with cliffhangernlv and Codybeast that sophistication is relative and lies within the eye of the beholder. In this case, like attracts like. Like-minded individuals are drawn together in this venue.

Life is really like a box of chocolates. In our industry the box of chocolate becomes something to look forward to. Who will I meet today? What will I learn as a result? How will I grow? And for me, most of all.....who will seduce me with his knowledge, wisdom, and chivalry.

Sophistication does also come in the form of honesty as stated by isomilf69. The ability to be open, honest and at times a little direct shows that the individual has self-esteem, self-respect and a voice! That is sexy!!!

Finally, I love Austintatious Lilly's reply...sophistication really is a combination of life experiences that include world knowledge. Perhaps this is why I find people so intriguing. Each person does have a fascinating story to share. It's just a question of who is willing to listen.

Thank you for sharing.
If you can take her into the 'W', Uchi, Driskill, 4 seasons and not only does she look like she belongs there but also every other dude is trying not to look but is failing because the lady he is with is pissed. Originally Posted by budman33
My thoughts exactly.

If I can take her out to a public event where there's a chance of running into friends and/or family, she won't compromise you.
Also if she strikes up conversation with someone, she's intelligent and quick on her feet to hold her own.

And like Lilly said.. most of these qualities are gained from how they were brought up and their life experiences up to that point.
cckid2006's Avatar
I believe the Hierophant represents this word in the tarot deck.

Spirit is the final leg of the triad that has been previously seen in the Empress and Emperor; the archetype of the spiritual world is the Hierophant. This is the card of beliefs, both religious and otherwise, though it does tend to focus on the religious and spiritual aspects because the Hierophant himself is often depicted as a holy man. Indeed, in some decks this card is known as the Pope or High Priest. But in actuality, a Hierophant is a person who holds 'forbidden' or 'secret' knowledge. While this could easily apply to the clergy, it has far greater scope than this. In a way it could be said that (with apologies to Crowley) every man and every woman is a Hierophant.

The Hierophant can even stand for groups of more than one person, and in the majority of cases he is better represented by an institution than by a single person. This is because his is the power of the group and the society, who change the world to fit their beliefs. The same theme of control and change that first appeared with the Magician continues here in its fifth iteration; now there is still a well-defined leader, but the people do not follow him because they are ordered to. They follow because they are part of the group. The main philosophies of the Hierophant are that there's no "I" in "team", and that the good of the many outweighs the good of the one.

Such a philosophy may seem unnecessarily restrictive but, as the Emperor has taught us, restriction leads to order. The Hierophant is charged with the maintenance and propagation of tradition and conventional beliefs, and anyone who goes against these beliefs is shunned. Balance and conformity are the goals of the Hierophant, and neither positive nor negative is emphasized - only tradition matters. In extreme cases, this can indeed have very negative effects (as Galileo found out) but in most cases having some tradition to follow is beneficial. The traditions and ceremonies of the church, which are particularly strong in this card, are a prime example of this.

On a more personal level, the Hierophant is also a teacher or a mentor. One major role of a spiritual leader is to initiate others into the community and teach them the ways of the group. Obviously one who holds the secrets and is entrusted with the traditions of the group is a prime candidate to teach them to others, and the Hierophant plays this role well. Though his approach to teaching is one that centers on conformity and shuns individual expression for the moment, this can be helpful. Only once the student has mastered the ways of the group can he or she properly decide whether to remain or leave.

When the Hierophant appears it will often be in the form of a teacher or a mentor, who instructs you in the ways of his particular belief in the hopes that you will join him. Such teachers do not have to be of a spiritual or mystical background; an employer training a new employee in the operation of a business is as much a Hierophant as any religious teacher. If your current situation seems to require more experience then you can call upon, be open to the presence of a teacher or mentor in your life. But do not make the grave mistake of openly seeking such a teacher - as the old proverb says, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

The Hierophant can also represent group activities and beliefs, and in either case, support of the establishment and respect for the rules are emphasized. So if you are planning something revolutionary, the repeated appearance of the Hierophant is a good sign to forget such action and go with the flow for the time being. The traditional way of doing things must work most of the time, or else it wouldn't have been around long enough to become tradition! However, when an idea is proven wrong it is certainly time for a change. The true Hierophant is one who has a deep respect for his beliefs, but who will not blindly follow them to his own ruin.
Gentlemen: when you read a provider's ad with a description "sophisticated" what is the first thing that comes to mind?... Originally Posted by Shiloh Stevens
Nothing comes to mind. Sophistication does not have to be advertised. Sophistication advertises itself.
Whispers's Avatar
I think the use of the word "upscale" in drawing attention to clothing, restaurants. higher end items etc..... is rather "pretentious".....

a quality NOT found in most truly sophisticated people....

I like the comment presented already.... If you have to ask or suggest you have it..... You don't....

AT $300 an hour in Texas I think you would increase your clientele more if your avatar had you in some tight fitting jeans and cotton blouse worn to accentuate your cleavage.

I know some very sophisticated people that are incredibly down to earth.....
Pinot_Noir's Avatar
When I think of a sophisticated woman, I think of a classy woman with substance. Someone who is mature (30+), soft spoken, open minded, feminine and somewhat attractive. She presents herself well, can carry an intellectual conversation, well read, well traveled and loves wine. To some mature men, sophistication is a big turn on.