Thanks to all the providers that DO provide references

Sensual Sophia's Avatar
In a recent thread, it was mentioned that some girls don't provide references. Blah, negative, and I fell into that, naming names and what not.

Anyhow, I was thinking that I'd like to thank all the wonderful ladies I can think of who DO provide references promptly and accurately.

Hopefully some of you will join in and let the guys know who they can trust to get back to us with vouches. (please note if I didn't mention someone, it doesn't mean that they don't provide references, it just may mean that I haven't dealt with them or forgot)

In no particular order:

Kit-4-Kat / Kat
Topshelf Tess
Sophie Bella
Austin Liv
Sensual Cheri
Crystal Kitty
Taylor Maiden
Genesis Nicole
Devyn Von Tease
Dee Liscous
Austentatious Lilly
Karla Duran
Karalynn Kelley
Wicked Milf
Aidan MacKenna (of Houston)
Sensuous Lydia (of Houston? She's everywhere)
Britney Bangs
Maxeen Monroe
Marley Monroe
Sapphire (of Corpus still gives them even though she's retired!)
Melanie Shannon
Emily Hemingway (of Corpus)
Ava Baker (of Houston)
Magen (of Dallas)
Trinity (of Corpus)
Victoriasuxgood (of Corpus)
Dagney D.E.W.
Angelina Adams
Marco of Mint
Wicked Heather
Victoria Lynn
Busty Betzi (sorry I forgot on the initial draft)

*I'm sure there are others that I've forgotten.*

Thanks so much ladies for making the hobby work for everyone.
nuglet's Avatar
Aw, now you've done it. Created a list longer than mine.. arrgh.
So many lovelies, so little time.
Hear hear... while I haven't dealt with everyone on the list, I must say for all the complaining Texas has some super ladies and they get let's stay safe. I have had dealings with ladies from Dallas to Corpus, Houston to Midland and have only had maybe 2 SNAFU's
So to those on the list and to those who just haven't made it yet a big Hooray!! Happy happy joy joy dance and pat yourself on the back!!!
thats a huge list, I have only met 9 of those ladies you mentioned..I have never had issues using them and they always provided me with a good reference..
nuglet's Avatar
I knew you'd outrank me REB, I can only count 7 that I have first hand knowledge about.
I knew you'd outrank me REB, I can only count 7 that I have first hand knowledge about. Originally Posted by nuglet
upon further review its actually 10 ..
nuglet's Avatar
oh, uh yeah, me too.. LOL
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
nice list!
I am 9 seen, and 8 on the "list"
M. Smith
OOPs Count Sophia - 10
And of course to the ladies who do provide references
thank you!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
thankyou Sophia...I always try to respond as fast as I get em..sometimes it does take me like an hour to get back but I try to be fast....I love the ladies who take the 10 seconds to answer....

I personally never had a problem with getting vouches..

i would like to add to the list

Sexy roxanne
SloaneMacallan's Avatar
That is a wonderful thing for you to do Sophia, I have yet to have the pleasure of giving you one.

But that is so amazing for you to do, it shows what a spectacular woman you really are.

Much Love,
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Thanks for including me, I D.E.W. not ask for many but give refs. as much as asked.

However, the name is spelled .... Dagny (no E)
I would have to say other than myself,

Sensuous Pleaser
Devyn Von Tease
Austentatious Lilly
Britney Bangs

I know there are many more, so sorry if I left you out.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 03-10-2010, 04:57 PM
Sophia's list just reconfirms that I'm definitely a man-whore.

(I'd provide a count but I can't remember how many "Marco of Mint" counts for...)
Always happy to assist