The Idiot Biden Takes Stupidity To New Levels.

Remember just two years ago when President Trump declared the US energy independent?

Well, it has only taken this senile old bastard nine months to destroy our energy independence in the name of Green Energy. But…….in the mean time…..

He simultaneously asks the OPEC Nations and Russia to increase production to cover his sorry ass in the wake of escalating gas prices

Senile, old and stupid.
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2021, 07:02 PM
Amen, JS
The communist DPSTs lead America over the precipice like lemmings to slaughter.
Remember just two years ago when President Trump declared the US energy independent?

Well, it has only taken this senile old bastard nine months to destroy our energy independence in the name of Green Energy. But…….in the mean time…..

He simultaneously asks the OPEC Nations and Russia to increase production to cover his sorry ass in the wake of escalating gas prices

Senile, old and stupid. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Actually we were never energy independent. oddly, we have the same level of "independence" we had then. Actually probably slightly more.
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2021, 07:14 PM
America was a net oil exporter undr Donald j trump
under fiden - we import and pay our enemies for oil

Your post is twisted propaganda - not truth and facts.
America was a net oil exporter undr Donald j trump
under fiden - we import and pay our enemies for oil

Your post is twisted propaganda - not truth and facts. Originally Posted by oeb11
Just more dirt bag Democrat revisionist history.
Little Monster's Avatar
Remember just two years ago when President Trump declared the US energy independent?

Well, it has only taken this senile old bastard nine months to destroy our energy independence in the name of Green Energy. But…….in the mean time…..

He simultaneously asks the OPEC Nations and Russia to increase production to cover his sorry ass in the wake of escalating gas prices

Senile, old and stupid. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The rise in gas prices have nothing to do with Biden. And you're calling him an idiot??
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Denial, it’s not just a river in Egypt.
bambino's Avatar
Remember just two years ago when President Trump declared the US energy independent?

Well, it has only taken this senile old bastard nine months to destroy our energy independence in the name of Green Energy. But…….in the mean time…..

He simultaneously asks the OPEC Nations and Russia to increase production to cover his sorry ass in the wake of escalating gas prices

Senile, old and stupid. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You forgot corrupt.
Little Monster's Avatar
You forgot corrupt. Originally Posted by bambino
Remind me again, how many members of Trumps administration got indicted???

Conservative-fascist hypocrisy at it's finest.
The rise in gas prices have nothing to do with Biden. And you're calling him an idiot?? Originally Posted by Little Monster
It wouldn't matter if Gas Prices plummet to fifty cents a gallon, Biden is still an idiot. He's always been an idiot and always will be.
  • Tiny
  • 08-11-2021, 08:34 PM
The problem is that Biden, based on his rhetoric, wants to take money out of the pockets of U.S. businesses and workers in the oil patch and put it in the hands of OPEC countries. We've got to buy the oil from somewhere. Why not from the USA? Remember the gasoline lines and the price of fuel when OPEC put the screws to us back in 1973 to 1981.

But it could be worse. When campaigning Biden said he'd stop drilling on federal lands and the federal offshore, and in the longer term he would promote policies to transition the USA to "0" net carbon emissions. He wasn't as radical as Sanders and Warren and some of the others, who wanted to immediately ban fracking on public and private lands.

Biden did however resume issuing drilling permits after an initial 60 day suspension at the start of his administration, either because he was just pandering to the climate fanatics during the campaign, or he realized a permanent ban on drilling permits wouldn't stand up in the courts. A federal judge in June ruled that the Biden administration had to start federal leasing back up again too. I'm not sure whether that happened or whether the Biden administration is appealing the ruling.
It wouldn't matter if Gas Prices plummet to fifty cents a gallon, Biden is still an idiot. He's always been an idiot and always will be. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Biden is a textbook case for the old axiom that you can’t cure stupid.
Little Monster's Avatar
We need to shift away from fossil fuel completely. Renewable engine is the wave of the future whether complete conservatives like it or not, want to admit to it or not.
Little Monster's Avatar
Biden is a textbook case for the old axiom that you can’t cure stupid. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Regardless of your biased opinion about him, he has done a far better job thus far than the conservative-fascist president we just got rid of.
]We need to shift away from fossil fuel completely. [/COLOR]Renewable engine is the wave of the future whether complete conservatives like it or not, want to admit to it or not. Originally Posted by Little Monster;1062555201[COLOR="Red"