I prefer old friends because the comfort level increases. We know our likes and dislikes and we have all ready established that we neither will be disappointed. Trust goes along way when it comes to EXCITING me. This is why I screen personalities as well. Compatibility excites me more than anything. Knowing I am going to meet a "gentleman" of good constitution excites me even more because I am not held back by wondering about "who is he and what is he like"? Fear and nervousness are more turn offs than turn ons to me. The safer and more comfortable I feel, the more my fun and excited self comes out and that is my natural state of being (I don't fake it well); therefore the best times for me are with GREAT GUYS who I love to remember and even wanna do lil special things for too. Such as appreciating 10 or so good dates with "this one is on me" or "you know, I only need 1/2 and you are such a nice guy, I am only gonna take half cause I do need it". Nobody ever asks me for these things, but I know it makes my friends feel special and that makes me smile too. But I am a big hearted girl who is actually more of a giver than taker.
I believe that most girls on the internet are more givers than takers or we would just go take advantage of some poor rich guy/s with lies and deceit. It's nice to brighten someone's day, week or life and that is just more rewarding than some can fathom. That's not to say that there are not providers on the internet that are here because they are annoyed with/by men, just wanna get it over with and take your money self servingly... "as smart business women". Some men prefer those girls because they too are not looking for a mutual satisfaction in more ways than one. They just want to have sex with someone they can forget about or have more of a "scrap book" type memory collection to look back on while rocking in the chair at 90. So, really it just depends on the guy. If he is an awesome individual as most are, of course I will be excited to see him again. So bottom line, I prefer lil groups of guys in an area that I can just have a blast with knowing it gets better and better each time. I like having one 2 hour date 4 days a week so I don't have to watch the clock because I can live on 1200 before expenses pretty easily. What would be nice is if LE would realize this and make it part of their commentary when being interviewed instead of making all of us girls out to be hard up drug addicts who don't even know we if we have diseases since we hike up for just anyone. If spending time with a lady with charm and sophistication who loves to entertain nice gentlemen and bring smiles to the world makes us all bad people, then they need new glasses. I just think this is worth mentioning because repeat clients is a good form of self respect and that's how I prefer things to be in all areas of my life... about respect. If ya just wanna "hire a nasty lil slut so you can cream up her face and expect bbfs or whatever, you still get lil respect in my book because that's just disrespect towards another human being. This is why some girls charge so much. I believe those girls just need to start screening personalities but then again, they are in this business to make LOTSA cash and wouldn't be here because the only way to equate that form of disrespect towards her is too pay her largely. They serve their market. We all serve just a portion of the market and it takes all kinds to make the world go round. Diversity is a good thing and is my best answer to your question but personally I prefer my sweet friends. Girls that disagree, see the hobby as just a business and don't understand the value of personal connection or save that for personal lovers. I find personal lovers to be temporary and ultimately leaving me feel unsatisfied with regret for considering them more special than my clients. I also believe I have in one respect more of a professional attitude in this regard because I find it disrespectful to my clients to allow a guy to disrespect me for free when I require my clients to be respectful. It just doesn't seem fair. I also believe that a guy that will say he loves me and still has no problem with me providing to have to lying to me for one of 2 reasons. He either really doesn't respect me (ie: love me enough to take care of me and want a true relationship) or he doesn't have enough self esteem to realize I wouldn't be with him if he couldn't satisfy me in all areas. I mean, why would I waste my time and money investing in either of these 2 dead ends. I do however realize that there are several trains of thought that no person could ever understand each of... so therefore laws shouldn't be written that are so directed. They are at best, misguided as a whole. Some of us are here to minimize others and some of us are here to increase the quality of our own life and the life of someone else. I also believe that gals that would never "give a freebie" haven't had the pleasure of having long standing clients who spoil them at heart. I mean, it means a lot to me when a true gentleman tells me what he enjoys most about me with a mutual respect in the air all around us. I look forward to your response to my answer.
You seem quite intelligent.