Wanna know the truth? I'm outta here, nothing to lose

Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
just pm me...i don't lie, never have, never will...don't have nothing to lose, done lost it all..lol (sorta)
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar

Originally Posted by Ninotsugi
just pm me...i don't lie, never have, never will...don't have nothing to lose, done lost it all..lol (sorta) Originally Posted by Carolina Girl Holly

Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
Originally Posted by Ninotsugi

Originally Posted by Ninotsugi
yo' bitch, watch yo back, yo wanna talk southern bitch slang?
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
(High-End Courtesan) is someone who is more Beautiful inside than she is outside, regardless of how Beautiful she might be physically. She is often unaware of the extent of her outer Beauty, and is more concerned with bringing Kindness, Pleasure and Happiness into people's lives, not living off an ego, or putting others down to make herself look better. She is a Whole, Wise WOMAN, Confident in herself, who brings Inspiration, Serenity and Integrity, not corruption, bitterness and slander.

ha ha ha ha you know you done ratted yourself out to the cops and others; no one trusts or wants your old stanky pussy or your tiny tits when you didn't get your boob job in Miami; ha ha; tell Chris I said Hi....lmao
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar

Originally Posted by Ninotsugi
Someone obviously cares, unlike you, pm'd me for info to protect her "territory"; watch your back; you are NOT the only courtesan/escort on the gulf coast and never will be; start collecting your ss#disability
I must have missed something, what happened?
ha ha ha ha you know you done ratted yourself out to the cops and others; no one trusts or wants your old stanky pussy or your tiny tits when you didn't get your boob job in Miami; ha ha; tell Chris I said Hi....lmao Originally Posted by Carolina Girl Holly
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread.
Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as Thread Hijack and will be discouraged.
Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated,
while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not!!!
- Outing or threats of Outing are taken seriously.
Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way.
That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username
on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly.
This includes real NAMES!!!

Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
How can I be off topic when it's my topic?

Yes, please pm me if you'd like to know the truth about who to be on alert for!

And did your name come up? no, but you had to jump in on this thread like every other one and come up with something to try to "put others down to make herself look better" (keep trying sugarbritches)
How can I be off topic when it's my topic?

Yes, please pm me if you'd like to know the truth about who to be on alert for!

And did your name come up? no, but you had to jump in on this thread like every other one and come up with something to try to "put others down to make herself look better" (keep trying sugarbritches) Originally Posted by Carolina Girl Holly

When you CAN NOT get more that 69 Views
"Checking Interest in B.F.E."!!!

Perhaps if You had BUSINESS You would stay out of mine!!!

vicinms's Avatar
I don't see anything in this thread to indicate a "danger to ECCIE members" so it's moving from the Alert forum. I'm really not even sure what the topic was, though it clearly evolved into a cat fight (with one cat making already making her departure). Let's stay on topic now please!
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
I don't see anything in this thread to indicate a "danger to ECCIE members" so it's moving from the Alert forum. I'm really not even sure what the topic was, though it clearly evolved into a cat fight (with one cat making already making her departure). Let's stay on topic now please! Originally Posted by vicinms
Thanks for all the pm's about concerns of alerts men & women. Stay safe and happy hobbying!
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Just as a reminder:

Alerts - Mississippi
Issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community go here. Please reserve this space for legitimate alerts, and not general FYI material.

OMG what is all this about! I thought this ended with Flora aka Mina
this is really crazy