Review Counter?

SofaKingFun's Avatar
I thinck that something here in the land of cyber has eaten everybody's review counter.

...or is it just mine? It's no biggie, I just happened to have a brief, rare, and sober, moment-of-clarity and noticed that my review counter was gone.

So I thought I'd bring it to your attention in hopes of creating a panic....or just to ask what's going on.
(the first option seemed funner though. Heh!)



Noticed this as well.

Guess my curiosity drives....
jayhawkrobbie's Avatar
Me three!

I usually glance at this when reading a review to give me an idea of how active the poster is that wrote it.
TBONE's Avatar
  • 10-12-2010, 07:56 AM

Review counter will be had to be removed by our programmer temporarily while finishing up some new features we'll be rolling out shortly.


SofaKingFun's Avatar
Well thanks a lot, T-Bone. I had all of the conspiracy theorists on the edge of their seats waiting to fire away at this only to have you come in and burst my balloon with a reasonable and valid explanation.

Yeah, thanks whole a helluva' lot...

Heh! Just goofin'.

Seriously though, thanks!

