Question for the ladies

Recently I was talking with a provider who I have been seeing for over 2 years. She was venting about a pet peave she has when see a guy for the first time. They walk in and say,"by the way, I review on eccie". To her it is saying," you better perform well or I will give you a bad review". She does her session as all other sessions. Curious what your thought are about comment like this.
I say its good they say that. Keeps her on her game. Good or bad session she keeps the money. I think it adds incentive to perform.
Good for them, whores better bring their A game every time.
But in case they don't, can't cry about a sub par review.
ck1942's Avatar
Recently I was talking with a provider who I have been seeing for over 2 years. She was venting about a pet peave she has when see a guy for the first time. They walk in and say,"by the way, I review on eccie". To her it is saying," you better perform well or I will give you a bad review". She does her session as all other sessions. Curious what your thought are about comment like this. Originally Posted by Jeffrey Spaulding
Just curious, since it appears this provider you are talking to apparently doesn't already know a dude is on eccie, what further questions do you ask her?

Like, screening, verification, security issues?

FirePhoenix's Avatar
I say that I have never asked for a review and that this is American of the free. A person is free to write whatever they want and by all means do so. Just as long as you tell the truth about it. Then I would continue the session like I do with every session- the best job I can do that makes a person comfortable and have relaxing fun.
Whispers's Avatar
Recently I was talking with a provider who I have been seeing for over 2 years. She was venting about a pet peave she has when see a guy for the first time. They walk in and say,"by the way, I review on eccie". To her it is saying," you better perform well or I will give you a bad review".

If her immediate reaction is to perceive it that way than she probably is NOT providing the same level of service to all her clients.

She does her session as all other sessions.

How do you know?

Curious what your thought are about comment like this. Originally Posted by Jeffrey Spaulding
Why do you care about her business?

Just curious, since it appears this provider you are talking to apparently doesn't already know a dude is on eccie, what further questions do you ask her?

Like, screening, verification, security issues?

ijs Originally Posted by ck1942
Why should HE care about any of those things? A whore's business is just that... HER business... LEt them run it any way they see fit..... A guys position here in all of this is to provide information to other guys ABOUT their experiences with that business.... If whores want help with all that there are Agency Owners, Pimps and no shortage of freeloading Mods that will trade an ECCIE education for pussy....

I say that I have never asked for a review and that this is American of the free. A person is free to write whatever they want and by all means do so. Just as long as you tell the truth about it. Then I would continue the session like I do with every session- the best job I can do that makes a person comfortable and have relaxing fun. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix

I'm glad you feel that way..... I'll be sure to quote you in a new thread you will surely find interesting soon....

I say that I have never asked for a review and that this is American of the free. A person is free to write whatever they want and by all means do so. Just as long as you tell the truth about it. Then I would continue the session like I do with every session- the best job I can do that makes a person comfortable and have relaxing fun. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Phoenix,Thank you for the response. As for all the trolls and keyboard tough guys have you ever had an intelligent conversation where you don't run someone down to boost your ego.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Well whimpy it wouldn't be the first time that you have taken point of mine, that you argued to death , and then a couple of months later agreed with and used.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I have personally ran review specials so I go into every appt thinking it could be reviewed, but I also try to give the same level of service during every session.
Granted, some things are YMMV....
Although I try to make it exciting & fun for everyone, there have been times when there hasn't been a connection and it's felt forced. And others where there is a better chemistry so things go much better. Or maybe my technique isn't what that person likes.
Recently I was talking with a provider who I have been seeing for over 2 years. She was venting about a pet peave she has when see a guy for the first time. They walk in and say,"by the way, I review on eccie". To her it is saying," you better perform well or I will give you a bad review". She does her session as all other sessions. Curious what your thought are about comment like this. Originally Posted by Jeffrey Spaulding
I don't tend to see many clients who write reviews but if they write one they usually tell me before they write it. I think it's nice to get a heads up. It's a turn on to read them so then I know to look for it.
They've never said anything about a review before the appointment but if they did I wouldn't care. I always give it my best regardless because it's much more enjoyable for all parties that way. There is no i with my op.
What does iop stand for?
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Illusion Of Passion
I go into every appt thinking it could be reviewed, but I also try to give the same level of service during every session. Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
Whispers's Avatar
Well whimpy it wouldn't be the first time that you have taken point of mine, that you argued to death , and then a couple of months later agreed with and used. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
LOL... Nope... odds are it will be more of a situation with you screaming and saying I can't say something and I'll use the quote!