They are slaughtering families in hopes of raising Biden’s poll numbers with independents

berryberry's Avatar
Family members said 10 people, including seven children, were killed by a U.S. drone strike in Kabul on Sunday.

“At first I thought it was the Taliban,” one survivor said. “But the Americans themselves did it.”
berryberry's Avatar
The 2yrs old Malika also died and the number of victims of the U.S rocket attack in Kabul reached 10.

1: Zemaray 40
2: Naseer 30
3: Zameer 20
4: Faisal 10
5: Farzad 10
6: Armin 4
7: Benyamin 3
8: Sumaya 2
9: Ayat 2
10: Malika 2

Civilians & no connections with ISIS-K

This is sickening. Some would call it war crimes

Senile Biden killed more children this week with a drone than Covid did.
berryberry's Avatar
Among the family of 10 wiped out by that US drone in Kabul were not just 6 small children but several people who held visas to go to the US or had their request pending because they worked as translators for the US and NGOs.
Independent estimates are that anywhere between 300-909 Civilians as well as anywhere between 66-184 children have been killed by US drone strikes, air strikes, missile attacks, and ground operations over the course of the war. I'm not happy about the practice continuing at all, but where was your outrage for the past 4, hell the past 20 years about this exactly? Some of us were actually pretty pissed about this ever since the days of George W's Mission Accomplished banner. If only everyone had this energy for the past 20 years, we wouldn't just be getting out of it in 2021.
berryberry's Avatar
Independent estimates are that anywhere between 300-909 Civilians as well as anywhere between 66-184 children have been killed by US drone strikes, air strikes, missile attacks, and ground operations over the course of the war. I'm not happy about the practice continuing at all, but where was your outrage for the past 4, hell the past 20 years about this exactly? Some of us were actually pretty pissed about this ever since the days of George W's Mission Accomplished banner. If only everyone had this energy for the past 20 years, we wouldn't just be getting out of it in 2021. Originally Posted by anmar85
This thread is about a drone strike conducted purely for PR purposes that wiped out a family. I know it some of you like to change the subject and not stay on topic, but please try to stay on topic. Thanks.
HDGristle's Avatar
You have proof it was purely PR purposes? By all means, share that
I'm merely contesting that given the historical context of our country's actions, this drone strike is pretty much in line with our foreign policy. Like in the other thread where it's being claimed that bringing in historical information that contradicts your assertation is "off topic" I would like an explanation of how. If you can't provide me with that, then you are more than welcome to report me and have the moderation explain how it is off topic instead. Otherwise my point still remains. You say it's for PR, I'm asserting that it is more of the same when it comes to how we handle pretty much everything in Afghanistan.
berryberry's Avatar
I'm merely contesting that given the historical context of our country's actions, this drone strike is pretty much in line with our foreign policy. Originally Posted by anmar85
Except past drone strikes in Afghanistan were in the midst of a war and have not occurred much in recent years.

This was in the midst of a surrender, leaving the country and carried out only after Senile Biden and has team have been bashed in the press, by foreign allies and criticized for looking weak. The WH needed to do something to try and change the narrative so they decided to blow up some random Afghans and lie and say they were Isis. Not expecting the real facts would get out
berryberry's Avatar
And if you don't think Senile Biden and his admin weren't doing these type of things to get good PR and change perception, I guess you missed the Reuters expose - where they had tapes of Senile Biden trying to bribe President Ghani of Afghanistan with foreign aid to do some things to change the "perception" the Taliban was winning and that Biden needed Ghani to change the narrative.

You know, didn't a recent President get impeached for a phone call alleging that? I digress - that is a subject for a different thread
Okay, so not trying to put words in your mouth, so please feel free to correct me if I'm misunderstanding you. When Obama would like drone strike hospitals, that's cool because we were in active combat. When Biden drone strikes a family it's not cool because it was happening during a pull out. If I'm following that right, then you know, carry on. I totally disagree, but carry on.

And to clarify my own stance, neither of those things are okay with me. I really don't care who is giving the orders and what the situation is with troops on the ground. Both of those things are wholesale slaughter.