Cutting carbon

Do you think the new package that passed the house is cutting enough carbon emissions? I am curious to know if the carbon emissions to produce weapons to ship to Ukraine, the fuel to fly them over. The carbon created when said weapons explode and the fuel to rebuild what they destroy, is less then the carbon we hope to cut in the new bill?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
its a waste of time and money that bill is in the first place
Willie Wanker's Avatar
They don't really give a crap about carbon, or they wouldn't be begging Saudi Arabia for petroleum that we are able to produce much cleaner in the USA. Carbon from other countries doesn't count.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'm waiting for the politicians to issue tax credits for folks to buy horses. Absolutely everything is recyclable with those. And, only a smidge of methane, and over a decade, less than whatever a car puts out in a month. But, they only do a few miles an hour though.
Do you think the new package that passed the house is cutting enough carbon emissions? I am curious to know if the carbon emissions to produce weapons to ship to Ukraine, the fuel to fly them over. The carbon created when said weapons explode and the fuel to rebuild what they destroy, is less then the carbon we hope to cut in the new bill? Originally Posted by Bigdaddy14606
Great example of the ruling class hypocrisy. The doublespeak goes something like protecting our interests protects the environment, making the world safe by war or killing to preserve life.
China withdrew from climate agreements with the US Russia ,India and most of the Middle East also told Biden to F Off .Biden will strangle the US economy with climate lies while the rest of the world pumps carbon into the air