Knowing what you know now ... how would you do things differently?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Knowing what you know now, about the demimonde, and you were able to do things ALL over again and start fresh (key word) ... what would you do differently?

This question is for both sexes and both sides of our equation.

Wow that's a great great question, EW.

I would have never started posting on this board outside of ads. Its garnered me more enemies that I've never met and likely will never meet nor have they met me. That bothers me a little for some reason. It's weird.

Posting successfully here is an acquired skill and one I could have easily lived without. Considering the kind of negative attention I brought on myself for expressing my opinion poorly in the beginning (and still do on occasion) I would have rather just not posted at all had I to do it over again.

And even though in reality I'm very pragmatic and low key, I've managed to create a "drama queen" label for myself within this two-dimensional platform. That really used to bug me too since I felt misunderstood. I've gotten over it but again, much ado about nothing and a lot of wasted time and concern I could have focused elsewhere.

Reading the board and posting is rather habitual now though. I do it sporadically but I still do it because I enjoy discussing things or because I feel I want to say something. I'm human.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I would have seen Aprill twice as many times as I have.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Over the years, I became more comfortable with sharing personal information with some of my client base, and female participants.

If I had to do things over again, I would have NEVER shared my first name (and sometimes, last) to some (any?) of the people that I did.

Being too open about my personal life has come back to haunt me more than once.

There are others, but I was waiting until there were more responses. And funny answers are appreciated as well!

Invisible1's Avatar
Demimode definition:
1. A) A class of women supported by wealthy lovers and considered to be promiscuous or otherwise unrespectable.
B) Women prostitutes considered as a group.

2. A group whose respectability is consdered dubious by the status quo.

Sorry, I had to look it up.

To answer the OPs question. I would have saved more money and become wealthier.
Frique-Me's Avatar
Wow that's a great great question, EW.

I would have never started posting on this board outside of ads. Its garnered me more enemies that I've never met and likely will never meet nor have they met me. That bothers me a little for some reason. It's weird.

Posting successfully here is an acquired skill and one I could have easily lived without. Considering the kind of negative attention I brought on myself for expressing my opinion poorly in the beginning (and still do on occasion) I would have rather just not posted at all had I to do it over again.

And even though in reality I'm very pragmatic and low key, I've managed to create a "drama queen" label for myself within this two-dimensional platform. That really used to bug me too since I felt misunderstood. I've gotten over it but again, much ado about nothing and a lot of wasted time and concern I could have focused elsewhere.

Reading the board and posting is rather habitual now though. I do it sporadically but I still do it because I enjoy discussing things or because I feel I want to say something. I'm human. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I would have seen THN ALOT sooner
Over the years, I became more comfortable with sharing personal information with some of my client base, and female participants.

If I had to do things over again, I would have NEVER shared my first name (and sometimes, last) to some (any?) of the people that I did.

Being too open about my personal life has come back to haunt me more than once.

There are others, but I was waiting until there were more responses. And funny answers are appreciated as well!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Ya having anyone in the hobby too close to your personal life is not a good feeling, especially with how intrusive technology can be.

I have had to deal with this issue recently and it saddens me that they took offense to it, but my family's safety is more important than their feelings.

I would have seen THN ALOT sooner Originally Posted by Frique-Me
I'm willing to bet you're not alone.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
There isn't too much I'd do differently. I was given great advice when I started to not be too social, not be too active on the boards, and not trust too many.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Knowing how kinky/freaky some of you are, I probably would have wanted to do some more off-the-cuff activities.
Wow that's a great great question, EW.

I would have never started posting on this board outside of ads. Its garnered me more enemies that I've never met and likely will never meet nor have they met me. That bothers me a little for some reason. It's weird.

Posting successfully here is an acquired skill and one I could have easily lived without. Considering the kind of negative attention I brought on myself for expressing my opinion poorly in the beginning (and still do on occasion) I would have rather just not posted at all had I to do it over again.

And even though in reality I'm very pragmatic and low key, I've managed to create a "drama queen" label for myself within this two-dimensional platform. That really used to bug me too since I felt misunderstood. I've gotten over it but again, much ado about nothing and a lot of wasted time and concern I could have focused elsewhere.

Reading the board and posting is rather habitual now though. I do it sporadically but I still do it because I enjoy discussing things or because I feel I want to say something. I'm human. Originally Posted by thathottnurse

I agree and can relate with everything outlined in your reply, THN. There have been many times I've wondered if it's best to concentrate my energy on other venues and ignore public discussion forums. It's a double-edged sword; cuts both ways.

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-06-2015, 01:42 PM
There isn't too much I'd do differently. I was given great advice when I started to not be too social, not be too active on the boards, and not trust too many. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Great advise was given to you, notice the top providers in here, post their weekly ads, their new videos and they are gone.

nobody likes a bitchy woman that picks fight about anything and everything or always seeking attention, I like the way EW handles herself in here, she seems very intelligent with her post.

nobody likes a bitchy woman that picks fight about anything and everything or always seeking attention, Originally Posted by biglatinmale

If the ladies don't participate in the coed forums, it becomes nothing but male posters which leads to stagnant topics. Look at all of the negative threads. Very few people want to be involved in them.

I understand how posts can be perceived as bitchy, combative or attention-seeking. There is no denying any of it, making excuses, justifying the actions.

Let's think about the thoughts behind the replies. Maybe has to do with how general society treats everyone around them. No one likes being trampled on like a door mat and applies to either genders. There is plenty of room for improvement. We can do better.

A long time ago, members were not allowed to flame or slam each other but unfortunately, online courtesy has been discarded somewhere along the way. People were able to communicate in civil terms -- not so much is the case now. It's sad because it doesn't have to be like that.

yohollyrock's Avatar
Geez--am I the only one here who is having fun? I myself am just so happy that we have such a thing as the "hobby". Where else can us old guys find beautiful women to enjoy intimacy with? I have never really had any troubles with any of the ladies and I love every one of you! (even if you don't want to be my friend outside) Only kiddin--- Cmon guys--show the girls a little respect and this could be a wonderful adventure for all of us! Who needs DISNEYLAND ? Starcking / argueing / calling each other names / get a hold of yourselves and have a little fun! SORRY BUT I WOULD'NT CHANGE NOTHING !
  • grean
  • 10-06-2015, 02:57 PM
Never ever times infinity use backpage.
LovingKayla's Avatar
To answer this question properly would require me to do the very thing I have learned not to do. So I'm going to learn and keep my damn mouth shut.

To answer so that I contribute something.... PAY YOURSELF FIRST. For God sake, take out that 28% you would have paid in Taxes and put it away. Not that I'm implying for a second you don't pay your taxes. Just pay yourself first. If you get to 10 years in and you've saved nothing, you will look back and see the money that just fell through your hands and REGRET not being smarter. Regret is your worst enemy here and you have all the power. You will never miss 30 bucks a session. That money does not exist. The rest is up to you.