Ever turn down OTC time?

Guys, have you ever turned down OTC time with a lady? What are some of the reasons you have/would? Ladies, have you ever offered to stay longer free of charge only to have your offer declined? What reasons were you given, and how did it make you feel?
Cpalmson's Avatar
I've had a provider or two offer to let me stay longer even though time was up. I politely declined b/c I have other things on my schedule. If I didn't have any time constraints, then I'd probably have stuck around. Though since I declined, I don't know if the offer was gratis or there was an expectation for more of a donation.
geecue's Avatar
Guys, have you ever turned down OTC time with a lady? What are some of the reasons you have/would? Ladies, have you ever offered to stay longer free of charge only to have your offer declined? What reasons were you given, and how did it make you feel?
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01

One time comes to mind, lady and her friend were going to take pics for their ads. Got the invite to stay of all days had to leave when the appt. was over.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I have had plenty of runovers, and NO I have never turned down OTC time.
Guys, have you ever turned down OTC time with a lady? What are some of the reasons you have/would? Ladies, have you ever offered to stay longer free of charge only to have your offer declined? What reasons were you given, and how did it make you feel?
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
I've asked, only when I feel like it's appropriate (if we're both travelers in the same town), and I've only been turned down once. Usually guys have other things to do, or palling around town just isn't an option for some.

I wouldn't take it personal, though.
Guys, have you ever turned down OTC time with a lady? What are some of the reasons you have/would? Ladies, have you ever offered to stay longer free of charge only to have your offer declined? What reasons were you given, and how did it make you feel?
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
I'm not a clock watcher, and most of the time the guys stay a little longer ( ten or fifteen minutes when the hour is up). It's no big deal to me as long as I really click with the guy. Most men, however, who make appointments during the morning or lunch hours, don't have a lot of extra time to spare...most of them leave BEFORE the hour is up and hurry back to work.
a few months ago with a provider and we enjoyed otc sex a few times though sometimes i had to decline because of business or family obligations. the greatest free time i had was an extension of a paid date with the beautiful lovejenna http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=4916 . she was in rochester ny on news years eve and i made a 75 mile 3 hour journey through a white out blizzard to see her. she rewarded me with a 90 minute session for 60 minute rate and i made use of and enjoyed every minute. i was so completly satisfied i cannot explain. when i was done she sat in bed naked having lunch and we chit chatted about the storm the hobby her lunch when i explained i must be nuts to be 2 feet away for a naked goddess and be talking about chicken wings. she then said if you want go another round. i explained i had not brung more funds and she said don't worry it would be more fun than being alone in the room during the storm. i then proceeded to ravage her body for another 40-45 minutes. to this day it remains one of the best days of my life. i cannot begin to tell her how much that meant to me. her rates have climbed over the last few yrs [deservedly so] and i am not sure i could swing another appointment with her but for a couple hrs and thanks to her generosity with her time i have a memory i will cherish till the day i die.
Porter57's Avatar
I have had several ladies offer me off the clock time, but it is usually something Like "Hey I'm hungry lets go have dinner". I would never turn it unless I had a meeting or some other obligation I just couldn't get out of.
Big_Sarge's Avatar
I used to hobby a lot when I was in Michigan. I had an ATF that I saw quite frequently and we would chat a few times a week over the phone or send emails. I knew it was her job... and she knew that I was married at the time.

She called me one day and told me that she was going through some issues in RL, was working in town that day and would love someone to talk to. I informed her that I didn't have the money to cover her fee. She told me that it was going to be OTC. I asked several times if she was sure.

I did visit her that day, as I was able to sneak away from work, and then she had a few appts to take care of. I saw her the following morning as well. It was nice and never got weird. I really don't see anything wrong with it as long as both agree with the arrangement.

Big_Sarge, OUT!
txgntlmen's Avatar
I can't imagine ever turning down any OTC if me and the lady click. I would never ask but if offered heck yea! When I do participate in the hobby, which is minimul now, I alway try to schedule my visits when I am not rushed just so I don't have to rush back out into the world.
Still Looking's Avatar
I have NEVER turned down Tiffani Jameson...... ever!
burkalini's Avatar
Are we on some kind of clock? Am I supposed to punch a card when I show up? Do I have to pay union dues? Ok you fuckers! I want to see my time sheet.
Guys, have you ever turned down OTC time with a lady? What are some of the reasons you have/would? Ladies, have you ever offered to stay longer free of charge only to have your offer declined? What reasons were you given, and how did it make you feel?
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
No... but I was a little disappointed when I literally tried to give him a free overnight only to find an envelope full of cash the next morning. Didn't think I'd see the day where cash made me sad....

No... but I was a little disappointed when I literally tried to give him a free overnight only to find an envelope full of cash the next morning. Didn't think I'd see the day where cash made me sad....

Originally Posted by hiddenrose
Maybe that cash was for HIM to keep things in perspective. Some guys want to make sure that you never feel like they abused your time, no matter how sincere the offer for OTC time may be.
Maybe that cash was for HIM to keep things in perspective. Some guys want to make sure that you never feel like they abused your time, no matter how sincere the offer for OTC time may be.
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
Wisdom...much here...I must say!