Shutdown Closes National Parks

CuteOldGuy's Avatar

There are some on here who believe this! We can't do ANYTHING without government!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Great thread, Whiny!

I guess your boys shoulda thought about this before they fucked everything up!!!!
flghtr65's Avatar

There are some on here who believe this! We can't do ANYTHING without government!
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The Tea party is at fault here. The republicans and the democrats are NOT THE SAME. The tea party is playing a game and the American people are losing. Did you hear the open microphone discussion between Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul? They are playing a game. Vote the Tea party out, all of them. When it comes to health care the private sector has failed. That is why we have 48 million Americans who are uninsured.
The Tea party is at fault here. The republicans and the democrats are NOT THE SAME. The tea party is playing a game and the American people are losing. Did you hear the open microphone discussion between Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul? They are playing a game. Vote the Tea party out, all of them. When it comes to health care the private sector has failed. That is why we have 48 million Americans who are uninsured. Originally Posted by flghtr65
It was 30 million people without health insurance 4 years ago when Obamacare was being legislated, now its 48 million?

And its the TEA Party's fault?

You are stuck on stupid.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Tea party is at fault here. The republicans and the democrats are NOT THE SAME. The tea party is playing a game and the American people are losing. Did you hear the open microphone discussion between Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul? They are playing a game. Vote the Tea party out, all of them. When it comes to health care the private sector has failed. That is why we have 48 million Americans who are uninsured. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Actually, I agree with part of what you are saying, Fluffy. I want the Tea Party voted out, too. I just don't want to replace them with other Republicans or Democrats.

However, to say the private sector has failed in health care just emphasizes your ignorance. From where has all the innovative technology and advances in health care come? From individuals and companies pursuing their dreams and making a profit. Indeed, without the private sector, we would not be anywhere near as advanced as we are.

The problem lies with the insurance industry, and the government regulation that has been with the insurance industry since its inception. While the idea is good, that is, spreading out the risk, the minute someone thinks that somebody else is footing the bill, abuse occurs. Rather than letting the insurance companies handle the issue, government stepped in and began regulating. Each state has its own rules governing the industry, and the companies have to comply. This adds to the cost. So, in order to manage costs, companies cut back on coverage to make the policies more affordable. Then some lawyer or legislator finds out, and the company is then forced to provide the coverage it previously couldn't afford to do, and prices go up again.

Then the medical profession, seeing that they can bill the insurance company, instead of the patient, raise their prices to whatever the insurance company will pay. Now since some people don't have insurance, the docs would charge normal prices. Then government steps in and stops that. Prices go up for everybody.

Then the people without insurance can no longer afford care, so they file bankruptcy, or do without. Prices rise to cover that loss.

The government and the insurance industry have worked together for decades to increase prices and profits. That has culminated in this debacle called Obamacare.

This is what I would recommend. Insurance is, after all, a contract. Let the law of contract govern the insurance business. Let insurance companies package their products as they want. Let people buy the coverage they want. Let people decide what deductibles and co-pays they, and let the companies price their products accordingly. Get rid of state regulation, and make insurance companies compete.

Address the pre-existing condition and uninsured on a small scale, directed at those particular issues, instead of putting the entire system under government control.

It doesn't take very long to figure out that Obamacare is a sledge hammer approach to a hornet's nest. It is all about handing over control of more of our lives, more of our personal decisions, to the government.

And yes, at their core, Republicans and Democrats are the same. The House has sent at least two bills to the Senate which would fully fund Obamacare, with very minor changes. One bill just asked for the individual mandate to be delayed a year; which is the same deal Obama gave to Big Business. And Democrats are the party of the people? Bullshit. The Democrats don't care about you, and neither do the Republicans. They both want to control you.

But I agree. Toss out the Tea Party. Just don't replace them with Democrats or Republicans.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How's that worked for you so far, Whiny?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Of course it's not working for me at all, DOTY Assup. There are too many people like you who prefer the government to be involved in all their decisions. I prefer freedom, but that's just me.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe you missed the quote from a White House source that said Obama (and Reid) don't care who gets hurt, they're (the democrats) winning! This was published in the Wall Street Journal. Care to cite your quote?

Said a senior administration official: "We are winning...It doesn't really matter to us" how long the shutdown lasts "because what matters is the end result."
Repubs want the government run like a business .Guess if they didn't like the healthcare they would call a union strike.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-05-2013, 07:33 AM

There are some on here who believe this! We can't do ANYTHING without government!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sneak in to the Park you big pussy. That is wtf I did. I was up in Las Vegas the other day and took a hike up Mt Charleston. It was closed but not that fucking hard to sneak into.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What decision is the government making for me in heakth care?

They telling me which doctor to see? No.

They telling me which insurer to buy from? No.

They telling me when I can go to the doctor? No.

They telling me what medications to buy? No.

They telling me to eat my green beans? No.

You have been spouting this shit about ACA for so long you probably believe it. But you're wrong. I am in charge of my health care. and now I have 76 options from which to choose. Before oct. 1, I had only one.

I have more decisions to make now than I ever had before Health insurance reform.

and you're as full of shit as a Christmas turkey!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think Obama is the expert on strikes and public protests just like any good socialist.

We now have a Carolina Inn shut down by government order because the private business is sitting on federal land and access is through a federally funded highway into the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
and you'd be the expert on that, too, I suppose.
Poor JD.