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I know this is already a couple of days old, but it bears a little bandwidth in this forum.

OK, hold your "knows" Wingtards. This is based on two things you are generally unable to handle ... FACT and TRUTH.

Many of these statements already have been the subject of many of your posts, TeaWipes, so I won't bother breaking this up into 10 separate threads, as seems to be fashionable among so many of you.

But PolitiFact seldom fucks things up. Unlike the people whose Obamacare fear and smear talking points are discussed herein.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Assertion: The health care law rations care like systems in Canada and Great Britain.

-- Florida Gov. Rick Scott, July 2, 2012, in an interview on Fox News

Fact check: The health care law is not socialized medicine. It leaves in place the private health care system that follows free market principles. The law does put more regulations on health insurance companies. It also fines most large employers that fail to provide insurance for employees, and it requires all individuals to have health insurance. This is unlike the systems in Britain or Canada. In Britain, doctors are employees of the government, while in Canada, the government pays most medical bills as part of a single-payer system. The U.S. health care law has neither of those features.

-- PolitiFact has rated this claim and others like it false.

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Assertion: The health care law has "death panels."

-- Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor, Aug. 7, 2009, in a message posted on Facebook

Fact check: Back in 2009, it was a popular talking point to claim that the health care law had "death panels" to determine if individuals are worthy of receiving health care coverage. The claim was widely debunked and named PolitiFact's Lie of the Year. The talking point started in reaction to an idea for Medicare, that the program should cover doctor appointments for seniors who wanted to discuss do-not-resuscitate orders, end-of-life directives and living wills. The visits would have been completely optional and only for people who wanted the appointments. After controversy, the provision was dropped from the final legislation.

-- Politifact rated the "death panels" claim Pants on Fire.
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Assertion: Because of Obamacare, health care premiums have "gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years."

-- President Barack Obama, Oct. 3, 2012, in a presidential debate

Fact check: The historical data for health care premiums only goes back 14 years; there's no evidence to support the idea that premiums are at a 50-year low. Overall health care costs have slowed down, but even there, Obama exaggerated the impact of his health care law. Experts say slowing costs are due to a variety of reasons, including the recent recession. Giving all the credit to the new law overstates the case.

-- Politifact rated the statement False.
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Assertion: Muslims are exempt from the health care law.

-- Chain email, May 29, 2013

Fact check: A widely circulated chain email claims that the word "dhimmitude" is on Page 107 of the health care law, and it means Muslims will be exempt. Actually, the health care law does not include the word "dhimmitude" (a recently coined word that seems to refer to non-Muslims under Muslim rule) and does not exempt Muslims. There is a "religious conscience exemption,'' but it applies to groups that disavow all forms of insurance, including Social Security. Muslim groups have supported the Affordable Care Act.

-- Politifact rated the chain email's claim Pants on Fire.
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  • CJ7
  • 10-05-2013, 01:15 AM
Assertion: The IRS is going to be "in charge" of "a huge national database" on health care that will include Americans' "personal, intimate, most close-to-the-vest-secrets."

Fact check: The IRS does have a role to play in the health care law, but it's not the role suggested here. If you buy insurance in the marketplace and you get a subsidy, officials will check tax records to make sure you qualify. That communication with the IRS happens through a data hub that's also connected to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It's important to note, though, that the hub isn't a database. The IRS isn't running it. And it doesn't include "intimate" health data. The hub is for signing up for health insurance, not for storing medical records

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that one will fuck with COF's small brain
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  • WTF
  • 10-05-2013, 07:29 AM
Assertion: Our fellow Tea Wipes are ignorant of facts.

Fact check. A quick search of posts by JD, COG and EXTEXOILMAN in Eccie's Political forum confirms this true