Chizzy's new handle!!!!!!!

bambino's Avatar
I've been putting a lot of thought into this lately. A man of Chizzy's immense and diverse talents needs a better handle, something with a little pizazz to better market his wondrous talents and skills. Hence;


Think of the possibilities, Chizzy Choo and his chocolate factory. There's so much more. Your thoughts if any?
eaglehorse's Avatar
Silver says it defines him, he is a bad ass who has throttle back a notch, he needs softening.
AmishGangster's Avatar
I think its a winner. CC, can you just go ahead and update Chizzys handle for him? Thanks in advance
bambino's Avatar
Chizzy Choo's baconators
Big Stig's Avatar
Don't forget about the Chizzy Choo line of hooker fashion accessories.
bambino's Avatar
Don't forget about the Chizzy Choo line of hooker fashion accessories. Originally Posted by Big Stig
They're on his new Choo shopping channel. Along with IPads, cameras and skateboards. And all the other regifts he collects.
We'll have Chizzy's Choo Choo, Eagles' Silver and AG's Buggy. I see a surge for Etna incalls ahead. BTW: TitsFuck needs a ride.
bambino's Avatar
Sign up now for membership in Chizzy Choo's shopping network and you will be automatically be enrolled in a drawing to win a Vegas trip with your favorite provider. When you arrive your room will be stuffed with gifts from Chizzy Choo himself. Everything from Choo's shoes to Choo's chocolates. Everything you need except the HO. Please read the fine print.
chizzy's Avatar
Sign up now for membership in Chizzy Choo's shopping network and you will be automatically be enrolled in a drawing to win a Vegas trip with your favorite provider. When you arrive your room will be stuffed with gifts from Chizzy Choo himself. Everything from Choo's shoes to Choo's chocolates. Everything you need except the HO. Please read the fine print. Originally Posted by bambino

blow me thats in the fine print fucker
  • BSer
  • 06-18-2014, 02:12 PM
Fucking choo
bambino's Avatar
The Chizzy Choo Mafia!
eaglehorse's Avatar
Silver will give Tits a ride, ride he ass into the ground, then take Jinny's flogger an ass whip him. I told Silver, Tits might like that, Silver said " I don't give a fuck". Silver is on Chizzy Choo's home page now,,,,,,
"Silver give me back my credit card"!
Fuck in Silver.......
AmishGangster's Avatar
Will Chizzy be branching out into furniture moving or auctions?
thecaptainpgh's Avatar
The Chizzy Choo Mafia! Originally Posted by bambino
Does he leave chocolate horse heads in the beds of his enemies after a "hit"?
Big Stig's Avatar
Does he leave chocolate horse heads in the beds of his enemies after a "hit"? Originally Posted by thecaptainpgh
No, just cum stains.