Where is the TEA Party and what is their role in this year's election?

is this faction of the GOP officially dead? They were a non factor in the primaries, unlike 2012 where all the candidates were trying to please the TEA Party. In my opinion, the TEA party cost Romney the nomination, because in the primaries he took some very hard right Tea Party positions that really was not his characters and wasn't the theme the vast majority of the nation, specifically Independents believed.

I hope the TEA are gone and forgotten they were the beginning of the destruction of the GOP.
bambino's Avatar
Fuck you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lube, you're almost too stupid to breath. The Tea Party despite the name is not an organized party like the Clinton Crime Syndicate. We were out there supporting Trump, Cruz, Carson, and Fiorina. We're out here supporting Trump, who has no criminal history, and taking on dumb shits like you.
lustylad's Avatar
Hey LubedAss - if you don't feel Taxed Enough Already, then you are in a very tiny minority of taxpayers in this country. But please feel free to step up and send the US Treasury as much of your income as needed for you to reach the point where you can join the rest of us and say "Fuck Off, I'm Taxed Enough Already!" Ok, dipshit?
  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2016, 08:02 PM
I hope the TEA are gone and forgotten they were the beginning of the destruction of the GOP. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Au contraire, the Tea Party movement for smaller and more accountable government, lower and more efficient taxation, and balanced budgets may be the beginning of the salvation of the GOP. And the country. The Republican Party needs to quit obsessing about issues like abortion and focus on those issues. Then it has a fighting chance of getting younger voters excited, like Ron Paul did.
goodman0422's Avatar
My neighbor was tea party. I think many conservatives decided to Stat quiet after the way they were treated at Trump rallies. Look youtube to see how they were treated in San Jose as their freedom to assemble was denied by a mob of "liberals". (Exactly what is liberal about denying voters the right to assemble?)
In short, they are alive and well (and a little pissed) and will still vote in November.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Interesting side note. Do you notice how Lubed writes TEA Party? All caps and includes the first letter of party. That is highly unusual for someone who looks upon the Tea Party with distain or little political interest. I think this is more evidence of a plant among us (we already have a fruit with Assup).
lustylad's Avatar
The lib-retarded Dems are scared to death of the Tea Party. Remember when they trotted out Nancy Pelosi to yell "Astroturf!" I thought that was hilarious because if ever there was a true and authentic grass-roots movement in this country, it's the Tea Party. These are people who never wanted to waste their time on politics but finally became so fed up that they had no choice anymore.

And then of course, the lib-retarded Dems were so scared of the Tea Party during the run-up to the last Presidential election that they even rolled out their dirty tricks against it. They instructed Lois Lerner to use the IRS to block 501(c)(4) applications for hundreds of tea party groups in order to crimp their fund-raising ability until after the 2012 election. Think about that! The Dems have zero scruples about subverting and corrupting the tax-raising arm of the federal government! To them this is normal and acceptable politics!
  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2016, 10:24 PM
And then of course, the lib-retarded Dems were so scared of the Tea Party during the run-up to the last Presidential election that they even rolled out their dirty tricks against it. They instructed Lois Lerner to use the IRS to block 501(c)(4) applications for hundreds of tea party groups in order to crimp their fund-raising ability until after the 2012 election. Think about that! The Dems have zero scruples about subverting and corrupting the tax-raising arm of the federal government! To them this is normal and acceptable politics! Originally Posted by lustylad
Yes, and the first amendment be damned if it interferes with the aims of Democrat politicians. Obama made a series of speeches in 2010 effectively telegraphing the IRS to go after Tea Party 501(c)(4)'s. And Chuck Schumer, Al Franken and five other Democratic senators wrote to Commissioner of the IRS early in 2012, demanding that the IRS investigate 501(c)(4)'s.

For Yssup - links:


Hey LubedAss - if you don't feel Taxed Enough Already, then you are in a very tiny minority of taxpayers in this country. But please feel free to step up and send the US Treasury as much of your income as needed for you to reach the point where you can join the rest of us and say "Fuck Off, I'm Taxed Enough Already!" Ok, dipshit? Originally Posted by lustylad
There was never a time in my life when I haven't felt taxed enough. Reagan whom I loved raised Taxes- Clinton raised Taxes in some areas, George H Bush raised taxes. I don't think high taxes are necassirily the blame of one political party. George W Bush spent money like a liberal. Our taxes went to finance a trillion dollar bullshit war!!!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Lubed Wide-ass,the wealthy Mafioso lying Italian with fake reviews,who is a 6'4", 425lb pant-shitting, globetrotting, camel-cock-sucking, brain damaged former drill Seargeant, klootzak with a little flaccid, premature-ejaculating-penis type of internet tough guy.

We changed our name too "Remember Mississippi Party"! http://clashdaily.com/2014/07/patrio...r-mississippi/

  • jma9
  • 08-22-2016, 11:41 AM
There was never a time in my life when I haven't felt taxed enough. Reagan whom I loved raised Taxes- Clinton raised Taxes in some areas, George H Bush raised taxes. I don't think high taxes are necassirily the blame of one political party. George W Bush spent money like a liberal. Our taxes went to finance a trillion dollar bullshit war!!! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You complain a lot about the Iraq war...have you ever heard Trump talk about that war? You might agree with him. Also, you know Hillary voted to go to war don't you?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lube, you're almost too stupid to breath. The Tea Party despite the name is not an organized party like the Clinton Crime Syndicate. We were out there supporting Trump, Cruz, Carson, and Fiorina. We're out here supporting Trump, who has no criminal history, and taking on dumb shits like you. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Outing Baboono...

Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Holy CHIT! And he's got a LUBE coffee mug!