The dangers of FitBit and how it can get you caught

Those FitBits are nifty and all but what most guys don't seem to realize is that they can get you caught by your SO.

If your wife happens to look at your data, she's gonna notice something fishy and start wondering why your activity levels seem to peak at strange times of the day. This especially goes for the guys who go see a girl on their lunch breaks. Nothings more suspicious than your heart rate going 160 when you're supposed to be sitting on your butt all day.

So yeah, either find a way to turn it off without being noticed, or take it off before a session.

Hope this helps.
Honey Davis
joesmo888's Avatar
can't you just say you went for a jog?
If your SO is looking at your fitness data for signs of're already busted. She's just building up info for the divorce settlement.

I agree with Honey that you should do what you can to avoid leaving breadcrumbs anywhere, but the best detective in the world is a suspicious wife.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-22-2014, 08:02 AM
I don't need to worry about such things, but I do take my gym bag to work and my gym times vairy depending upon my daily schedule. Gym time is good for many reasons.
DangedDragon's Avatar
Nah Honey, I was just having a quick workout with the company's personal trainer, Miss Davis...nothing to worry about...

She's suggesting a weekly session to help get my weight down a few pounds. What do you think, hun...should I schedule a weekly session with Miss Davis?
If your SO is looking at your fitness data for signs of're already busted. She's just building up info for the divorce settlement.

I agree with Honey that you should do what you can to avoid leaving breadcrumbs anywhere, but the best detective in the world is a suspicious wife. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
I'm not saying that its the only thing that would get you busted, but it could be. I mean if you're out of town on business and you have a girl stay would be hard to explain a "work out" at `11 pm. 3 am then 7 am, especially if the hotel gym closes at 10pm. lol

I've had a few guys that were like, "oh crap, you're right" when I mentioned fitbit awareness.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
If your SO is looking at your fitness data for signs of're already busted. She's just building up info for the divorce settlement.

I agree with Honey that you should do what you can to avoid leaving breadcrumbs anywhere, but the best detective in the world is a suspicious wife. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
I am this case part of a have a very non-nosey SO. But this would be just the type of thing to get mt caught, a detail I might not think of covering but one that might get noticed by accident.

But I'd never use a fitbit either. Good head's up though, OPie.