4000 Thank Yous

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-11-2014, 12:57 PM
This is my 4,000th post on here. I wasn’t paying attention, but I noticed the last one was “3999”, and I thought I should make this one a little more substantive than a quick quip or a “Great post!” I spent a half cup of coffee thinking about what is an appropriate topic, and decided there really is only one: the wonderful ladies who have given me so much happiness, companionship, friendship and fun over the decades.

So here’s a huge “Thank You” to all of you beautiful ladies, and all you have done for me. You coerce me into getting a little nicer hotel room. You give me a reason to do some research on local restaurants. You “force” me to do seriously un-macho things like take another shower and pack another nice shirt in my suitcase.

In exchange you give me so many reasons to say “thank you”.
--Thank you for spending an hour or two getting even more beautiful than you were before the nice dress and make-up
--Thank you for finding a sitter and abandoning your kids for the evening—when you would rather be reading them a bedtime story
--Thank you for making an old man feel young, for the smiles that make an empty hotel room feel warm and inviting, and a young lady’s laugh that melts away almost any stress that had built up during the day

I have been a very lucky man. I have met some of the most wonderful, interesting, and sexy women on the face of the earth. Hopefully between now and my 5000th post I will be fortunate enough to meet a few more of you. I already have some names….

Thank you all, and please stay safe out there. The world really is a nicer place because you are all in it.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Now there is something to write home about.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Nicely said, Old-T.
stimulatethemind's Avatar
Nicely said, Mr. Old-T. Good reminder for many!!
Lucky LaRue's Avatar
A very thoughtful post.
plainjoe's Avatar
Old T,
Thank you for your many insightful inputs and advice. Even in this "hobby," chivalry is alive and you are a gentleman. Look forward to the next 1,000.
LA Man's Avatar
That deserves accolades from all. Instead of drama and whining that so many posts are about you give a heart felt thank you with a reality of the ladies real world life.

Hat's off to you and glass raised to the next 1000!
DallasRain's Avatar

I'm working on 5K myself. Have really slowed down. I doubt anyone will ever catch you DallasRain
tia travels's Avatar
I've liked your post! CONGRATULATIONS on 4k posts too! Way to go!!
  • katee
  • 07-12-2014, 12:04 AM
This is my 4,000th post on here. I wasn’t paying attention, but I noticed the last one was “3999”, and I thought I should make this one a little more substantive than a quick quip or a “Great post!” I spent a half cup of coffee thinking about what is an appropriate topic, and decided there really is only one: the wonderful ladies who have given me so much happiness, companionship, friendship and fun over the decades.

So here’s a huge “Thank You” to all of you beautiful ladies, and all you have done for me. You coerce me into getting a little nicer hotel room. You give me a reason to do some research on local restaurants. You “force” me to do seriously un-macho things like take another shower and pack another nice shirt in my suitcase.

In exchange you give me so many reasons to say “thank you”.
--Thank you for spending an hour or two getting even more beautiful than you were before the nice dress and make-up
--Thank you for finding a sitter and abandoning your kids for the evening—when you would rather be reading them a bedtime story
--Thank you for making an old man feel young, for the smiles that make an empty hotel room feel warm and inviting, and a young lady’s laugh that melts away almost any stress that had built up during the day

I have been a very lucky man. I have met some of the most wonderful, interesting, and sexy women on the face of the earth. Hopefully between now and my 5000th post I will be fortunate enough to meet a few more of you. I already have some names….

Thank you all, and please stay safe out there. The world really is a nicer place because you are all in it. Originally Posted by Old-T

THANK YOU! You Sir, are one of the true gentlemen that make us ladies want to go the extra step to look a little prettier, laugh a little louder. Your words are very kind, and appreciated. Many times men ask, what do ladies want? You covered it. To be appreciated and recoginized. You are the kind of man that we in turn appreciate.
So here's to you. May you only find yourself in the company of ladies who exude class and appreciation back onto you, during your next 4000 posts!
Thank you from Missouri
Still Looking's Avatar
I have been a very lucky man. I have met some of the most wonderful, interesting, and sexy women on the face of the earth.........The world really is a nicer place because you are all in it.
Old T, congratulations! The point above that you made resonated with me. That women such as these exist is a true miracle.
That deserves accolades from all. Instead of drama and whining that so many posts are about you give a heart felt thank you with a reality of the ladies real world life.

Hat's off to you and glass raised to the next 1000! Originally Posted by LA Man

I agree with LA Man comment 1000%. You don't see too many heart felt posts such as this one very often. Its always, you can I throw under the bus today or make them feel bad. Or better yet.....I love this one. The word "hookers" being used way too often.

Thank you OP for your 4000 post. It's much appreciated to those who truly care about people & the hobby.
What a wonderful post. It's nice to have such a heartfelt reminder of why I do this.