An Open Letter to the "Good Punter"

Found this after doing some research for a trip to Europe.

I have been with many providers and could tell they felt exactly this way but would dare not say it. Shame really to have to subject yourself to something that you find so repulsive to pay the bills.

I had never heard the term punter before today.
batonrouge777's Avatar
Cry me a river. I don't like going into work. Oh, all the people who I have helped (for a fee) who did not understand my plight or truly know ME. The tragedy, the humanity. I guess the girl who wrote the missive needs to get a real job and start paying taxes.

Alternatively, she could just take the money and lay on the mattress. She says she is unappreciated and this is not her bag, baby. Doing my job is not by bag either. Ideally, people would just mail me the money and I would not have to show up. I guess that's what the money's for.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, that was a very strange and disturbing rant by a provider with serious psychological issues.

Damn! If she hates her customers so much, she should not be in the escort business in the first place.

. . . Repeat customers are the life blood of any business, but if you hate your customers then your business will surely shrivel up and die.
Solitaire's Avatar
BassCat, Punter is a Euro term for hobbyist

BR, they can cry us BOTH a river... as long as the catfish are still biting

AGREED FastGun, that woman should not be in this business. Its certainly not for everyone. I do this specifically for the "appreciation" and the wonderful people I get to meet.

Ha! that is what I will call it from now on... no roses or consideration... place the "appreciation" on the counter please

Hagglers need not apply, I dont feel the proper appreciation.

hat article is so ugly that I had to express the other side. The woman who loves this….namely. me.

My open letter to the "Good Punter".
Thank you for actually caring. Thank you for letting me be myself and telling me how wonderful my goofy personality is. Thank you for making me feel beautiful even when I felt more fat than normal. You listen to my desires and I've been able to try things I never had the courage to express in my personal relationships.

Thank you for the stroke of my hair and kiss on my forehead. For the light caress that starts my heart racing and staring in my eyes and we both fall from grace. . Thank you for making sure I enjoy myself so fully that lying in your arms feels like heaven.

Especially thank you for hours long conversations over meals and the trust you give me when your walls come down. You shared your life with me and expressed yourself honestly with no pretentions. That’s what really makes me smile when I see you have contacted me again. Until then…

All my best,
Angel you are an angel. I hope I am half that nice to be with. You've raised my own expectations.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-13-2014, 10:05 PM
That letter is very troubling. It is sad to know that she has so much disgust for herself as well as her clients. But it is not the first public cry like that—I can think of at least two others in the past year but do not have the time to search out the references on here. But if I cover up the details I see the same underlying issue I see in people I interact with in my job—and in fact in many aspects of life: people who truly HATE their job for whatever reason, but feel unable to leave it. The woman in my office who had made some bad financial decisions and could no longer retire at 65 as she had planned—so at almost 70 she was working, and hating every day of it because it reminded her of the mistakes she had made that forced her to still be working. The guy in the Army (a civilian) who was very good at his job and got promoted reasonably high in the salary ladder—but a few years ago decided he had moral issues with the military in general (not the US military, but more of a sincere leaning towards a pacifist type of perspective. But with two kids in private colleges he feels trapped between a job he doesn’t believe in and a family in a lifestyle he made them accustomed to.

I am not foolish enough to think every lady here hates every moment of her job, and I am not myopically stupid enough to think every lady here loves every moment (or every client) of her job. I suspect most of us see positives and negatives—and hopefully more positives than negatives. When the negatives get to dominate it’s time to move on, and hopefully the lady has an exit strategy she can use to leave on her terms. When I meet a lady who is new to this business one of the things I try to talk about with her is an exit strategy—if they wish to talk about such things. Saving some money away as early as possible so they can afford to say “No” when faced with a client their intuition (or screening) says is not safe. Having a parachute when they decide to stop escorting—and realizing that whether it is next month or next year or 20 years from now, essentially every lady decides it is time to stop.

It certainly isn’t what the blog writer had in mind, but I think her post screams out for legalizing. So the ladies can get sound financial planning advice just like any other self employed business person. So they don’t have to explain “gaps in employment” when they apply for a different job. So they can use income records to apply for credit like anyone else.

If we don’t comprehend that there really ARE ladies who feel like that, then we are somewhat blind. But if she believes that is the norm for all, most, or even a majority of the ladies on here, then she is leading a myopic life as well--I know too many ladies who stay in touch long after they have retired (and not because I give them any financial incentive to do so).

If even one lady in the business feels that way, and feels she cannot leave whenever she wants to, then that is truly sad. But her kind of blogging only serves to make life harder on ladies who are here because they choose to be—and her blogs do serious harm to efforts to decriminalize or legalize the business.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-14-2014, 05:51 PM
Follow-up: I went back to the site and read some of her other posts, including some more recent ones. She has clearly had a very tough life since birth, and a lot of things were stacked against her, but I don't agree with her conclusions. Especially not her allotments of blame and her serious overgeneralizations. She refuses to accept that other women could possibly have other experiences or feelings.

I tried to leave a couple comments on her board, but even though the site said they were accepted they were not there when I looked now. I wasn't hostile and I didn't say she didn't experience what she experienced--but I did counter some of her broad sweeping generalities.

An obviously hurting, angry lady. I hope she eventually can heal--she has bee out of the business 14+ years and the wounds sound as fresh as yesterday.
all I can say is I used to be a call girl for the money, but now Im very well to do and I still want to do it- on my terms this time. Is that crazy? I dont need the money I just miss the quality gents
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
Regarding this rant by Rachel Moran:

If you cut away the puritanical bullshit and the feminist bullshit about prostitution and look at the profession as simply a girl with a job, it is a lot easier to see what compels a woman to do it: $250 an hour for prostitution vs $8.50 an hour at Walmart.

I don't feel sorry for this miserable wretch, she did the dirty deed for the big bucks when she could have been a "good girl" and slaved away over the fast-food grill or wiped asses at the rest home for an honest $10.00 an hour. She actually had a choice.

Now she hates herself and all her customers for what, at the time, was probably her best option, economically. She is not content to wallow in her own self loathing and self pity but feels the need to spew her man-hating, feminist vitriol at what were probably some good customers. Notice that she is not directing her diatribe against the abusive, obviously sick type of customer, but is very clear to direct her shaming at "...a man who buys sex and thinks you’re engaged in a mutually beneficial transaction that’s causing no harm, I’m talking to you...."