Dependable Booking Assistants - Any good recommendations??

I have two clients asking me if I can recommend someone dependable for help with booking and scheduling. The people I'd normally suggest are either already maxed out or retired :-(

These ladies are not newbies, both are well-established and professional, they just have more calls than they can handle and are looking for someone reliable to help with bookings.

Ideally we'd be looking for someone who has been around a while and is a full-time booker, not a provider who dabbles in booking on the side (no offense).

Btw, before anyone suggests it, I didn't post this in the business section because providers usually only check that section when they need business services. I'm trying to reach anyone who may have experience with a professional booker they can recommend, or who knows of someone trustworthy and reliable.

Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance!!!
Thanks so much to everyone who sent pm's and emails with recommendations! I've gotten some great suggestions, however I suppose I should clarify that the ideal assistant (in these particular cases) would be someone who handles phones as well as email. Sorry for not stating that sooner, I assumed phones was a given.

Thanks again!!