Asking is not offensive...

Crystal West's Avatar
Hi everyone,

I do not find asking a person about something offensive however not asking and making your own conclusion then sharing it with others is offensive.

Yes I do fidget and yes my hands shake ... I have no problem sharing the reason for this in the least when asked.

I'm an epileptic have been since I was 6 years old over the years and countless seizures or "epileptic fits" permanent damage has been done I did not help myself by making the choices I did in my past. A past that I am ok sharing as well and have been clean from since 2006. Coupled with this tremors are a family curse on my grandfathers side no one has escaped it.

I'm not looking for sympathy in the least.

I'm posting this because I've heard from several people that wrong conclusions are being made and shared is all.

I've had gentlemen ask me about the shaking and fidgeting of course they have seen me several times. I've not been offended and been very open when asked.

Just like with anything someday's are better then others and some days are nightmarish.
I've never had the pleasure to meet but can relate to your dilemma. My daughter has seizure disorder challenges. Sometimes things are great, other times, not so much. My heart goes out to you. I travel to the area a few times a year, and will try to connect on my next visit. I know Denver is a big metro area, however, there is a wonderful person and provider in your area who can relate to your challenges. Her name is Brennyn Simms. Give her a call for a compassionate person to listen. I really wish you the best of everything.
Bob in Mississippi
Crystal West's Avatar
Thank you hun I came out with this only to dispel the rumors and false conclusions of there being drug use. I have an amazing support system and had talked with a few gentlemen friends about this and decided to post it.
@rlo726's Avatar
People need to look beyond little shit like this! The time I spent with you was fantastic. You mentioned this issue to me, but I will seek you out next time you're in town. You are too tasty to pass up over BS.
Crystal it takes a strong gal with class to be direct. Let them talk because I for one have hear the talk and it has only made the urge stronger to see for myself.
I like that line
Crystal West's Avatar
Thanks everyone ... I've learned when people have to talk about others it's because their life isn't worth talking about. The rumor started that I'm a drug user however is one I wasn't willing to let slide after being clean and sober for 7 years strong. The others are just laughable IMO and shows that people have to talk about others in order not to have to face the truths about their self or take accountability for their actions and choices it's just easier to talk about others and fault them.