Why does a doctor marry a playboy bunny?

Bestman200600's Avatar
Why does a doctor marry a playboy bunny???
rakuguy's Avatar
just to say ya did
Could it be because they love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together? Perhaps it's the hopeless romantic in me, but I like to think someone's vocation has little to no bearing when it comes to falling in love. For richer or poorer, in sickness and in health... Or maybe this was supposed to be a joke and you forgot to include the punch line?
Mister Tudball's Avatar
It's the same answer to the question: why does a dog lick his balls?

ferdburf's Avatar
It's the same answer to the question: why does a dog lick his balls?

BECAUSE HE CAN!!!! Originally Posted by Mister Tudball
Two faggots walking down the street observe a dog laying on the sidewalk licking his testicles, and the first fag remarks to the second fag, "Gosh, I wish I could do that," to which the second fag replies, "Me too, but I'm afraid that damn dog would bite me!"
pyramider's Avatar
Why not?
TexTushHog's Avatar
It's the same answer to the question: why does a dog lick his balls?

BECAUSE HE CAN!!!! Originally Posted by Mister Tudball
We have a winner!!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Two faggots walking down the street observe a dog laying on the sidewalk licking his testicles, and the first fag remarks to the second fag, "Gosh, I wish I could do that," to which the second fag replies, "Me too, but I'm afraid that damn dog would bite me!" Originally Posted by ferdburf
Reminds me of the old joke about the guy who comes into the bar with an alligator and says, "I'm the toughest SOB in this place and I"ll prove it."

So he whips his hard dick out and puts in in the alligator's mouth. The alligator chomps down on it and the guy starts looking at the second hand of his watch. After a minute, he grabs a beer bottle, whacks the alligator on the head with the bottle, and lo and behold, his dick is unscathed.

"Anybody else think they're tough enough to try that," he bellows.

One guy, in a weak and lisping voice eventually speaks up and says, "Well, I'll try, but you have to promise not to hit me over the head with the bottle when I'm done."
Bestman200600's Avatar
A playboy bunny is basically an HDH provider and you will get a lot more mileage and just a basic SO. As long as she gets her Lexus.
What prompted the question?

Did a doctor marry a Playboy bunny in real life?

I don't stay abreast of rality TV or Inside Hollywood, so I probably missed somebody's 15 minutes of fame.