Max Testo XL

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Some people say it greatly improves your testosterone level sorta like natural Viagra. Anyone try it? It was on Shark Tank.
Its so easy to get a dr to prescribe you Testosterone there is no reason to take a chance with supplements. You have no idea what your taking when you buy supplements since they are not regulated by the fda. At least you know the testosterone the dr prescribed is legit.

Ask your dr to test your t levels and if they are low have him start you on TRT. You will be glad you did if you have been suffering with low t. I know I feel way better since starting clomid therapy. I have more than doubled my t levels and feel better. I am seriously considering moving to testosterone replacement since my levels have only gone to 500 on clomid. I feel way better with t in the 500 range but wonder if I would feel even better around 1000 1200. So I have been debating making the change the last few weeks.

I did a lot of research before starting and found a place in FL I use. The Dr is really well versed in TRT and I like him. They order your labs you have them done local they get the results and call you and discuss a treatment protocol. They do labs a few months down the road to see how your responding then they adjust if needed. is the name of the place I use.

I will say this if you deiced to do it do your research if you use a local dr. If he is just giving you Test and no HCG or estrogen blockers then move on and find someone who is more knowledgeable. Just taking testosterone by its self is a bad idea you need other things with it to be safe and get the best results. there is a ton of great info about trt here in the forum section.
wildwing's Avatar
BassCat thx for the info. Looking into Melformin as well. That with TRT may be the ticket.