A warning about my website...

I wanted to put a warning out there about my website. I do this with a heavy heart and part of me still can't believe this situation is even real. I can't stand drama and dishonesty and that's what I'm currently dealing with. I need to warn the wonderful people in the hobby about my website.

After 5 years, my webmaster decided to do some shady, illegal and dishonest stuff. As a result, he changed my website to a cam site. This site has nothing to do with me, I've never worked for this site. I don't promote web cam sites. I don't know the quality of the cam site however, if their webmaster needs to use stolen website addresses to get traffic, I would be very suspicious of that site.

There's a lot going on here and it will be a while before this is taken care of. I am taking legal action.

When I get a new website together, I'll post it. My website will be for the hobby ONLY. If you see my name on anything I don't perform in myself, it has nothing to do with me and someone is using my name to make money.

I will make sure this ends in a positive way with a new and better website. Until then, your patience is greatly appreciated.


Becca Blossoms
chicagoboy's Avatar
Why do you still have a linck to the hijacked website on your Icky profile?
pyramider's Avatar
Make sure the new website has taint photos in it.
Why do you still have a linck to the hijacked website on your Icky profile? Originally Posted by chicagoboy

What is Icky? Never heard of it.

I use a small handful of sites however, my ad is all over the place. That's because my ad gets stolen on a regular basis by lower end and shady websites. I can only change the website link on the sites where I actually have access to do so.
What is Icky? Never heard of it.
Originally Posted by Becca Blossoms
You'll have to excuse cb (not to be confused with...never mind)!! He often refers to ECCIE (pronounced ecky) as Icky. Get it?

The more important question that was lost in his frivolity is:
Why is the link to the website still on your profile??
pyramider's Avatar
eccie is pronounced icky except by the retards in the Connecticut part of Oklahoma.
Thanks for clearing that up, guys I did remove it from this site. Am I missing something?
Thanks for clearing that up, guys I did remove it from this site. Am I missing something? Originally Posted by Becca Blossoms

Go here: https://eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=24399

Remove this: www.beccablossoms.net

It's still listed on your profile stats page under 'website'
joesmo888's Avatar
stuff like that happens all the time. simply remove the link and move on. always have full control of your own website to prevent future problems like that.