Ladies.. a very personal question

Ok..Here is a very very personal question I feel compelled to ask. I will understand if I don't get any responses to this very personal question.
Reading the morning news there was an article that I came by that stirred up a compelling question. On a conservative talk show the question came up about free tuition for anyone going to college.
A young lady got up and shared her story about having to starve to make it through college and how embarrassed she was. the lack of tuition assistance for lower income people and no where to turn. Long grueling hours working and not being able to study just trying to survive.

The Many stories I have heard and read through the years are that .Many are college students trying to make a living that find out rather than going out with another college boy for a six pack and a burger they can make enough to help with tuition and not have to work such long hours.. or single mothers with dead beat fathers that are trying to survive, an illness in the family where a great deal of money is needed, and a couple that was asked and got curious decided why not it might be fun. then there is the breakdown in family where the family infrastructure is broken and they are forced to make a living at an early age. Then there is the story that someone either forced them into the career or persuaded them to seek this as a career (which I detest men like that more than anything having someone forcing someone to pursue such a personal service as their career instead of it being their choice those men are the scum of the earth in my opinion)...
ultimately the ladies realize they will never be able to earn the type of income that they are making and continue on. ( this is what I have heard a lot) and it makes sense since the greater influx of ladies hovers around government installations and college campuses where higher income or dislocated men are living. I also heard stories from college students telling me long before I decided to become a client.
So my curiosity is what was your deciding reason ..

The Curious would like to know..
I like sex. I dislike complications so escorting was ALWAYS something that intrigued me even as a virgin.

Being a "good girl" in SA led to meeting thier moms on the second date. I didn't want commitments so I'd move in to the next all the while not getting laid with the regularity I was accustomed to from being in a long term relationship before. I figured, "why the hell not?" since I didn't really have ties to Texas to speak of.

After dipping my toe in I fell in love with hassle-free sex. I appreciated the money and quit my shitty office job, after a bit less than a year, to focus on enjoying my free time and saving money.

I am happier, have better sex, and have more self confidence since joining the hobby. Nothing makes a woman realize what is lovely about herself more than having men pay for the privilege of complimenting her in person. My experience with the hobby might not be the same as others ladies so I do feel blessed and lucky to consistently enjoy the company of gentlemen who earn that title.
I like sex....I figured, "why the hell not?".....Nothing makes a woman realize what is lovely about herself more than having men pay for the privilege of complimenting her in person. Originally Posted by SA Angel
You are very wise. And very hot.
If they tell you that they were forced into their job or hate it, or something along those lines, their business will suffer, because this is a place for networking, and you're the clientele. They have to tell you that they love their job. It's part of their job.
If they tell you that they were forced into their job or hate it, or something along those lines, their business will suffer, because this is a place for networking, and you're the clientele. They have to tell you that they love their job. It's part of their job. Originally Posted by yitzchak

I realized that this is a very sensitive and confidential question.
I was hoping that maybe some of the ladies that were interested in answering the question would pm me with their response.
I am just curious on the reasons what I am told ends with me. I know Since it's a very sensitive area and they wouldn't want to jeopardize their business endeavors that the majority would not want to divulge the real reasons as to what the initial motivation was.
Since I have worked in places where advancement for a young lady depended on how nice they were to the boss and have visited with waitresses that didn't make enough to survive.
I have heard some stories from a few that I have had conversations with.
I do understand why that sensitive information would not want to be shared.
pyramider's Avatar
My provider persona asked me to post "it's none of your damned business." She is a sexy minx but very straight forward.
I've often wondered this. I've also wondered how much I should wonder about this.

While most of the ladies I've seen seem to truly enjoy it, I still can't help but think what is really going on here. The few times I have felt comfortable enough to ask this question, the responses have been quite positive (it's fun, like to meet new people, love sex, open relationship), but if you try to go deeper than that, it gets vague fast and they change the subject.
I have very little formal education. I come from a dirt poor, dysfunctional family and had to "grow up" at a very young age. My life was crazy before I got into this business at the age of 29. Barely surviving taking care of my kids on my own. As a parent, I believe it is our responsibility to make sure the next generation is better than the last.
So, how better to do this than have a "job" that not only makes me feel happy, confident, and physically satisfied, but also makes it possible for me to spend the time with my daughters that I feel is necessary to insure their well being.
I also love the honesty of this "hobby". He wants sex without strings, she wants sex and money. No need to sweet talk or lie. Period. lol
Thank you so much Krystal...
And thank you to those that messaged me. As a client I am sincerely thankful to those of you for deciding to pursue this career as a personal caregiver​
I've often wondered this. I've also wondered how much I should wonder about this.

While most of the ladies I've seen seem to truly enjoy it, I still can't help but think what is really going on here. The few times I have felt comfortable enough to ask this question, the responses have been quite positive (it's fun, like to meet new people, love sex, open relationship), but if you try to go deeper than that, it gets vague fast and they change the subject. Originally Posted by OneStarLuck07
I have been fortunate.
That the ladies I have met once they know me have been very candid and upfront.
I guess that's why we all seem to have fun and truly have a good time.
We can all relax and really enjoy each other's company​ and be open
Lets start off by saying I'm young. 19 to be exact. Parents? A mom who was always drunk or gone and a dad that was always locked up. Siblings? Brother 26, and a sister 29. You can imagine i grew up pretty fast lol considering there was nothing but adults always around. That being said I've always had a "Maturity Level","Capability Level", and "understanding level" much higher then my age group.
P.s. i have ears and eyes lol duhhh so i learned and heard a lot.

I work my ass off at my intern for the things I NEED IN LIFE ( EXAMPLE : HOME, FOOD, LIGHT, WATER ). I go to school pressuring my dreams, goals and the things i want to accomplish in life. You know a (career) something i can depend on and make a living off of.

not saying all hobbist but there are a few that believe just because we are providers means we aren't worth a damn -.- or we have no other job or we are nothing in life -.- ((pussy power, remember ladies)) lololol

Anyway i love to socialize, i love to have fun every now and then, i love/want sex, i love/want to be pleasured and i love/want/dont mind making extra money on the side. lol Who doesn't?? A NUN lolololol JKJK
Why not make a couple of bucks on the side and get the things I love/want.

I don't know everything and i never will about this business.
But i do know and realize SOME PROVIDERS ARE
""forced into this job and hate it.""
""only in it for the money""
""aren't doing anything else in life""
""have bad service but at lease are still trying""
or whatever which i get it... but it makes others look bad

don't forget there PROVIDERS that
""like to just have sex""
""like to pleasure""
""like being wild and living a double life""
""like providing""
etc....... whatever it may be, there are some who are damm well worth the money and time.

So the question is "what was your deciding reason .."
My deciding reason is ''this business'' on the side is prefect for the things I'm lacking in real life. (FOR LIKE THE 100th TIME) Socializing, fun, sex, pleasure and don't forget some cash on the side. (; I also joined this bussiness because i can't find any of that within my age group or in real life.
(so some may ask why not go out and look for it on your own??) BECAUSE when i do try to go out and look on my own strings want to be attached like, no no no. Thats the whole point i just want FUN no STRINGS.

Does any of this make sense lol?
Makes absolute perfect sense to me Aria Go Girl! Get what you want and need and NEVER let anyone tell you can't or are wrong for doing so!
Ariarose thank you so much. I appreciate this it helps my curiosity. That makes perfect sense.
Each of us joins the ranks for a variety of reasons.. mine was to improve my present quality of life without the long term commitments and jeopardizing my present commitments. In the process I have met some of the most wonderful ladies in the world. each moving along on their own paths but yet a very close group each competing yet willing to be there for those around them even the ladies that they compete against for clients.
cinderbella's Avatar
Hi, I'll answer a more direct way.

College degree holding males, or males who have either inherited a family business or successfully operate a business without a college degree are most likely the highest paid wage earners.

When they marry, they sometimes marry an equally financially successful partner or they earn enough to mainly support the household. Notice I did use gender, as men in same sex relationships also fall into this area when they partner up. In other words, men are most likely to be the breadwinner. In households where the woman is the breadwinner, her spouse or partner may sometimes contribute by raising children and taking care of the household as a financially successful woman will most likely have to contribute more hours to her employment, including business related travel.

In other words, high wage earners of either sex most often have a partner who helps raise children and takes care of the household management. You cannot be devoted to a job and have the spare time it takes to raise children without help. Nowadays, people who can afford it have quality day care and school related help in order to raise a child with the needed advantages. Like everything else, the costs to do so are rising. Some quality day care costs as much as private school tuition.

The number one leading cause of poverty and welfare dependency is an absentee father or head of household. A woman who becomes head of household and sole provider or caretaker of her children is most likely to not be able to afford it all. I am sure this is true of single dads as well, but the overwhelming majority of single parents who struggle financially are women. Basically because women give birth. Men who take the role of single father hood are either forced to or in some instances able to secure help from their own family in some cases more likely than a single female can. There is a stigma attached to single mothers, sometimes they can end up abandoned by their own family because of the stigma or perhaps because of the mother's own doing. Any parent having children from multiple partners increases the likelihood they will have a lack of support due to this stigma and choice. I am trying to be factual, not judgmental. Stigmas persist.

When a male head of household either divorces, abandons, dies or is incarcerated, their children and their child's parent suffers financially. Just as anyone who has a good job suffers if their employer lays them off or goes out of business or fires them. Termination is termination and there is an emotional blow that accompanies the financial blow. Moving on to an equally sustainable position is not so easy, especially when one is unprepared.

The world's oldest profession is the world's oldest profession for a reason. Hundreds of years ago a woman's status and survival depended upon her husband. Women with children who lost their husband faced dire circumstances of extreme poverty and they had to resort to extremes to feed them. Classic stories in literature describe desperate women becoming pickpockets and con artists in order to survive. Some end up sentenced to the gallows, and some end up transported to America and Australia on prisoner ships. I watched a couple of silent movies on Youtube that told about immigrant females being used as sex slaves and a woman who was raped by a man and banished from home by her overly religious parents where she was forced into sex trafficking in order to have shelter. A more recent movie, "The Immigrant" is the story of a woman who was being processed thru Ellis Island when an American based pimp bribed the immigration officials to describe her as a prostitute on her entry papers so her family refused to take her in and she was then taken in by the pimp who paid the bribe. These stories are based on societal events at the time, it did not take long for enterprising women to discover they too could be independent and take advantage of a profitable market for sexual servitude.

So, bottom line is women who do not have the ability to earn as much as a self supporting man does finds out usually by the time she hits puberty that sex is the easiest commodity to sell. Then a woman learns that not all men are willing or able to support them. Most women end up having children, without employable skills or supportive family a woman realizes she is stigmatized anyway so taking advantage of easy money making opportunities is not that difficult to choose. That is after she does work an honest job or tries to attend college with no way to pay for extremely expensive tuition without going into unsustainable debt. Insurance, rent and daycare are all extremely expensive. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Being willing to break the law is a desperate act. I'm not saying this is true for all women in this profession, I am just trying to answer your question from a mitigating circumstances angle.
cowboy8055's Avatar
If they tell you that they were forced into their job or hate it, or something along those lines, their business will suffer, because this is a place for networking, and you're the clientele. They have to tell you that they love their job. It's part of their job. Originally Posted by yitzchak

That's not always true. Not all these gals go into escorting out of desperation and end up trapped in a situation they hate. Some of these gals actually go into this with a coherent plan to achieve financial security. Some don't even have to do this since they may have another job.