My Disclamier

ActionAngie's Avatar
I understand and agree to all of the following:

1. ActionAngie Personal Escort Service operates as a legal professional escort service, this is a escort service, No sexual activity is permitted. If a client tries to robs you are try to con you out of my pay ,I have a right to report it.I have the the right to leave a get a cancel fee.

2. All appointments must go through The ActionAngie Personal Escort Service For every new session, you must book it online using my ActionAngie Personal Registration Form

3. ActionAngie Personal Escort Service knows all appointment dates, times, and locations. I will check in before and after appointments to confirm they left safely with my personal assistant.

4. If My safety is at risk, I may carry a non-lethal personal defense item to defendself.

5. Payment for each session is due before the session use and sending the required amount of funds to or pay at the very start of your cuddle session.

6. If you cancel multiple appointments within 12 hours of a session and want another session in the future, you may be asked to prepay for the next session OR pay a $20 cancellation fee.

7. If you cancel within 2 hours of a session or don’t show up and want another session in the future, you must prepay for the next session online AND pay a $20 cancellation fee.

8. Cleanliness and adequate hygiene is required by both parties. This specifically includes showering/teeth brushed within 12 hours of the appointment, wearing freshly laundered clothing, and no (or minimal) perfume/cologne be worn by both parties unless requested.

9. The client agrees hereby to indemnify and hold harmless ActionAngie Personal Escort Services LLC from any and all claims by the client which may arise out of and in the course of the service. The client releases ActionAngie Personal Escort Services LLC from any liability.

10. No specific information regarding the client will ever be shared with another party outside of what is outlined in this agreement unless I, as the client, give written or e-mail permission to ActionAngie Personal Escort Service for a specific purpose.ActionAngie Personal Escort Service.

Secured Reservation &Verification

My preferred method of booking is through this Secured form – I prioritize emails and I am more motivated to respond to those with a serious intention that give me enough detail from the start. Your information is kept confidential. Your personal screening is handled with respect and discretion & only by your Truely. Verification is mandatory.

A secured Server Website, SiteLock protected. You will be corresponding only with me.

An Original Photo will be provided to you after Verification-to insure we are the right match
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 04-24-2017, 10:12 AM
Did you really need to

1- post this on here at all and not just your whore site?

2- post this bullshit twice?
knotty man's Avatar
if you wish for MSOG. You must press the "refresh" button located just above my forehead.
ActionAngie's Avatar
its was accient..Oh wait your perfect !!! That was harsh ..And Very Unclassy.I feel sorry for you..Get Some Class..
ActionAngie's Avatar
The hobbyist did not like Contract So I change it to Disclamier.!!!
ActionAngie's Avatar
Look The Hobbyist did not like Contract So I Change to Disclamier So The guys would know from the Start What time of day it is!!
ActionAngie's Avatar
Look I change it from Contract to Disclamier I want them to know what time of the day it was..I am trying to Stop Bad Clients From Trying to have some kind of loop hole saying i did not know that..So when the Hobbyist Said Contract i said it should be in the Disclamer The first Page of my website ...
ActionAngie's Avatar
Look I change it from Contract to Disclamier I want them to know what time of the day it was..I am trying to Stop Bad Clients From Trying to have some kind of loop hole saying i did not know that..So when the Hobbyist Said Contract i said it should be in the Disclamer The first Page of my website ..
ActionAngie's Avatar
Did you really need to

1- post this on here at all and not just your whore site?

2- post this bullshit twice? Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Very Harsh and Very Unclassy Look I change it from Contract to Disclamier I want them to know what time of the day it was..I am trying to Stop Bad Clients From Trying to have some kind of loop hole saying i did not know that..So when the Hobbyist Said Contract i said it should be in the Disclamer The first Page of my website ..
ActionAngie's Avatar
The hobbyist did not like Contract So I change it to Disclamier.!!! Originally Posted by ActionAngie
Look I change it from Contract to Disclamier I want them to know what time of the day it was..I am trying to Stop Bad Clients From Trying to have some kind of loop hole saying i did not know that..So when the Hobbyist Said Contract i said it should be in the Disclamer The first Page of my website ..
PLEASE STOP! "If a client tries to robs you are try to con you out of my pay" This sentence pretty much confirms that you have a second party writing your BLOGS about half the time.
Sometimes they are written in third party, horrible grammar, poor sentence structure. and numerous misspelled words. THEN at times, they look as if a grammar Nazi wrote them.

As far as generating business here, I highly doubt you are helping your situation.
burkalini's Avatar
Gee I am so excited to see Angie now. I will only see women that demand you sign a contract. I need written proof I saw a hooker for my taxes. I want a paper trail left out there of my illegal visits. Maybe we can post a picture of each other on Facebook when I sign the contract. How about we go on the radio and broadcast the session. It just all makes my cock hard. Let's go to the courthouse to sign it there. I will go buy a bullhorn and stand on busiest street to announce the signing. Hey maybe you can tattoo my ass with the contract with my signature on it. I'm so hard right now I could split steel with my cock just thinking about it
Never write anything down, never sign anything, no pictures! Deny deny deny!!!
pyramider's Avatar
Never write anything down, never sign anything, no pictures! Deny deny deny ... unless you go to Portland Maine and see ActionAngie!!! Originally Posted by Goodtime544
Completed the thought.
OP I think you are going to need another form of income lined up. Good grief.