Is the Deep State still Spying on President Trump?

I have two questions 1) Is the Deep State still spying on President Trump and 2) Since the DS PURPOSELY didn't tell Trump who was being set up, did they reveal who in his administration and who outside of his administration is a spy? I read an article were the FBI was supposed to tell Trump who was a spy but there was a known spy in the room and never told him. Don Jr was set up with a meeting with the Ruskie spy not knowing she was setting him up.

IMO, Admiral Rogers deserves a Presidential Medal Of Freedom
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yep. good question.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well my thinking is Yessss , there still looking for anything that's impeachable
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
What an oddly screwed up meme. I'm assuming by the statement that it let Trump win, it's referring to the period prior to the 2016 election. But it says the government is run by Republicans. Who ran the executive branch and it's massive bureaucracy during that period? And it's common knowledge that the majority of the day to day workers in the Fed lean Democrat because they advocate big government. Only in the lefty world.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

Actually, it just shows what a truly fucked up piece of shit candidate Hillary Clinton was.
rexdutchman's Avatar
They didn't "let him win they really believed he didn't have a chance in hell of winning , But ^^^ is correct people voted NOT for Hillary
Jaxson66's Avatar
I have two questions 1) Is the Deep State still spying on President Trump and 2) Since the DS PURPOSELY didn't tell Trump who was being set up, did they reveal who in his administration and who outside of his administration is a spy? I read an article were the FBI was supposed to tell Trump who was a spy but there was a known spy in the room and never told him. Don Jr was set up with a meeting with the Ruskie spy not knowing she was setting him up.

IMO, Admiral Rogers deserves a Presidential Medal Of Freedom Originally Posted by gnadfly
Why spy....he continues to expose his lack of character and integrity on a daily basis.
lustylad's Avatar
Why spy....he continues to expose his lack of character and integrity on a daily basis. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Good question, Jaxson! So why couldn't the professional trump haters just sit back and wait patiently for him to do something genuinely impeachable?

Why did they have to spy on him and lie to the FISA court and fabricate the crazy Russian collusion hoax which is now backfiring on them?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Good question, Jaxson! So why couldn't the professional trump haters just sit back and wait patiently for him to do something genuinely impeachable?

Why did they have to spy on him and lie to the FISA court and fabricate the crazy Russian collusion hoax which is now backfiring on them? Originally Posted by lustylad
I’m glad you asked. I can’t answer your first question, in regards to the so called hoax I suggest reading the first 10 pages of volume one. Where it clearly states the Russians interfered in the 2016 election in favor of candidate trump.
This isn’t a hoax or witch hunt it’s a cyber attack by Putin.
lustylad's Avatar
I’m glad you asked. I can’t answer your first question, in regards to the so called hoax I suggest reading the first 10 pages of volume one. Where it clearly states the Russians interfered in the 2016 election in favor of candidate trump.
This isn’t a hoax or witch hunt it’s a cyber attack by Putin. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I said Russian collusion hoax, not Russian interference hoax. I agree the Russians interfered. The extent and impact were negligible IMO. The professional trump haters have blown it way out of proportion because they want to tarnish and delegitimize Trump's Presidency. Trump knows this and that is why he won't publicly admit the interference occurred.

Comey's missteps in closing and reopening the hildebeest email investigation had a far greater impact on voters than anything Putin did. And that's just one of many factors that swayed the public to vote against hildebeest. Not a bunch of fucking Russian bots on facebook.

Did the Rooskis interfere in the 2018 midterms? Funny how we didn't hear any whining about that! Oh wait, the dems won back the House so everything's cool, right? Plus we now have a President who, unlike his feckless, fumbling predecessor, is actually doing something to stop the very Russians who you delusionally say delivered the 2016 election to him!
themystic's Avatar
I said Russian collusion hoax, not Russian interference hoax. I agree the Russians interfered. The extent and impact were negligible IMO. The professional trump haters have blown it way out of proportion because they want to tarnish and delegitimize Trump's Presidency. Trump knows this and that is why he won't publicly admit the interference occurred.

Comey's missteps in closing and reopening the hildebeest email investigation had a far greater impact on voters than anything Putin did. And that's just one of many factors that swayed the public to vote against hildebeest. Not a bunch of fucking Russian bots on facebook.

Did the Rooskis interfere in the 2018 midterms? Funny how we didn't hear any whining about that! Oh wait, the dems won back the House so everything's cool, right? Plus we now have a President who, unlike his feckless, fumbling predecessor, is actually doing something to stop the very Russians who you delusionally say delivered the 2016 election to him! Originally Posted by lustylad
Wow Lusty. That was a good post. I disagree with much of it but at least you had an opinion that wasn't the normal I Love Trump bullshit on here
Jaxson66's Avatar
I said Russian collusion hoax, not Russian interference hoax. I agree the Russians interfered. The extent and impact were negligible IMO. The professional trump haters have blown it way out of proportion because they want to tarnish and delegitimize Trump's Presidency. Trump knows this and that is why he won't publicly admit the interference occurred.

Comey's missteps in closing and reopening the hildebeest email investigation had a far greater impact on voters than anything Putin did. And that's just one of many factors that swayed the public to vote against hildebeest. Not a bunch of fucking Russian bots on facebook.

Did the Rooskis interfere in the 2018 midterms? Funny how we didn't hearwhining about that! Oh wait, the dems won back the House so everything's cool, right? Plus we now have a President who, unlike his feckless, fumbling predecessor, is actually doing something to stop the very Russians who you delusionally say delivered the 2016 election to him! Originally Posted by lustylad
The Russians did more than interfere. They made contacts with a whole lot of people in the trump campaign and the campaign encouraged the behavior. That’s testimony I want to hear from Mueller.

Obama was twice the president this mutt will ever be. The trump family will deal with the history of trumps shit show he calls leadership. His attempts to once again obstruct justice will fail. If the Russian sympathizers want to push the investigations into 2020 by stalling testimony I’m good with that. They’re going to be the losers. Caligula Don knows it’s coming, he can’t hide the truth much longer.
themystic's Avatar
The Russians did more than interfere. They made contacts with a whole lot of people in the trump campaign and the campaign encouraged the behavior. That’s testimony I want to hear from Mueller.

Obama was twice the president this mutt will ever be. The trump family will deal with the history of trumps shit show he calls leadership. His attempts to once again obstruct justice will fail. If the Russian sympathizers want to push the investigations into 2020 by stalling testimony I’m good with that. They’re going to be the losers. Caligula Don knows it’s coming, he can’t hide the truth much longer. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Well said Jaxon. Trumps days are numbered. He is the ultimate swamp trash
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Russians did more than interfere. They made contacts with a whole lot of people in the trump campaign and the campaign encouraged the behavior. That’s testimony I want to hear from Mueller.

Obama was twice the president this mutt will ever be. The trump family will deal with the history of trumps shit show he calls leadership. His attempts to once again obstruct justice will fail. If the Russian sympathizers want to push the investigations into 2020 by stalling testimony I’m good with that. They’re going to be the losers. Caligula Don knows it’s coming, he can’t hide the truth much longer. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

then why did Obama in 2014 stop the DOJ from responding to suspected Russian meddling?

was it to kiss Vlad's ass and get his approval for his Iran deal?

Obama being a great president. for Vlad and the caliphate.

The Obamas .. patriots!