PussySnob's Avatar

Typical of the demtards. Now they are attacking each other. What happened wasn’t Joe his comrade ?

How the left has fallen.

Now was Obamas loyal lackey for eight years.

Then Obama backed that despicable bitch Hillary.

Nothing like a big boost of confidence from ones former boss to start things off right.

Fuck Biden. He's a Democrat. That says enough.
  • oeb11
  • 04-25-2019, 02:57 PM
Biden is quoted in this forum " I have known 8 Presidents, three intimately"
Obama's "Right Hand man" is accurate, by his own words.

Biden and Obama need to come out of the closet

LGBTQ qualifications will make up to the DPST's for being an Old White Male.

Even AOC would have to endorse.

Ask SomeOne for assistance in coming out - that poster has much experience in identifying closeted individuals.
Hotrod511's Avatar
That in it's self should tell Uncle Joe why Odumber pick him to be his lackey little bitch
LexusLover's Avatar

How the left has fallen.
Originally Posted by PussySnob
Obaminable is having a tough enough time struggling to keep his "legacy" intact ... since it was fabricated with whole cloth that is not withstanding the scrutiny generated by swamp draining.

Perhaps Manchelle has finally confided to him how many times "she" pounded Joe in the ass while Obie was out of town.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
.....Perhaps Manchelle has finally confided to him how many times "she" pounded Joe in the ass while Obie was out of town. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Now that's a spot on humorous insult that rates bonus points.
Lapdog's Avatar
Obaminable is having a tough enough time struggling to keep his "legacy" intact ... since it was fabricated with whole cloth that is not withstanding the scrutiny generated by swamp draining.

Perhaps Manchelle has finally confided to him how many times "she" pounded Joe in the ass while Obie was out of town. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Your "cute little" pet "names" for the "opposition" sometimes are "hard" to "decipher" and it "makes" your "prolific posts" difficult "to" follow. "Could" you "please" publish a "glossary"? I'm "asking" for a "friend". "Thanks".
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
biden claims that he asked obama not to endorse him.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
biden claims that he asked obama not to endorse him. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

actually it does make sense for Obama not to endorse anyone till after the DNC convention. Then he can give his worthless fucking endorsement to whichever leftist bitch they rig the nomination for.

One news clip I remember when Barrack Hussein was "PREZ" was him declaring Bidden and his greatness being brothers, or was it brutha's/ Regardless Barry O did say it.
biden claims that he asked obama not to endorse him. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Well nobody in their right mind would endorse Biden and nobody in their right mind would want Obama to endorse them. Maybe Joe has just a minute smidgen of common sense, but only a smidgen, lol.
bambino's Avatar
actually it does make sense for Obama not to endorse anyone till after the DNC convention. Then he can give his worthless fucking endorsement to whichever leftist bitch they rig the nomination for.

BAHAHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
How did Obama’s endorsement of Hillary work out?

bamscram's Avatar
Then he should endorse Trump.
LexusLover's Avatar
Your "cute little" pet "names" for the "opposition" sometimes are "hard" to "decipher" and it "makes" your "prolific posts" difficult "to" follow. "Could" you "please" publish a "glossary"? I'm "asking" for a "friend". "Thanks". Originally Posted by Lapdog
Are you having difficulty "deciphering" the word "he" and distinguishing IT from the word "she"? If you are, well so did Obaminable and his Manchelle. I'll properly assume the "friend" is one of yours, if you have any, because all of mine know exactly what I meant, and they have expressed their appreciation for calling it what it is....."Manchelle"! For "historical perspective" I must say that I found those two offensive from the moment IT expressed her dislike for this country while THEY were sopping up taxpayer money and benefiting from affirmative action provided educations so they could manage attending "competitive" schools while the taxpayers bankrolled them. They are properly hiding in shame.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How did Obama’s endorsement of Hillary work out?

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino

For Trump or Hillary?