Trump Lets Loose Stunning Falsehood That Doctors, Mothers ‘Execute’ Babies

  • oeb11
  • 04-28-2019, 04:34 PM

President Donald Trump on Saturday night repeated a stunning falsehood promoted by anti-abortion activists that doctors and mothers execute newborns.
During a rally hosted by his 2020 re-election campaign in Wisconsin, Trump made the egregious claim after asserting that Democrats are “aggressively pushing extreme late-term abortion, allowing children to be ripped from their mothers’ womb right up until the moment of birth.”
“The baby is born, the mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby,” he said. “I don’t think so.”
“It’s incredible,” Trump said. And indeed it is in-credible.
here are no laws that allow doctors to perform executions. Rather, Republicans in North Carolina and Wisconsin have in recent months introduced legislation meant to highlight doctors’ conduct during and after late-term abortions, in the extremely rare cases that babies are born alive following an abortion attempt. Senate Democrats blocked a similar resolution from Republicans earlier this year.

Critics of the resolutions say they’re meant to discourage abortion access and make doctors look like executioners when in fact babies born alive following abortions are already afforded the same legal protections as anyone else.
Trump referenced two Democratic governors in making the false “execute the baby” claim Saturday. One was Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, who recently said he would veto a bill that could make doctors felons based on their treatment of babies born “following abortion or attempted abortion.”
Evers said such protections for newborns “already exist” and called the legislation “redundant” and “not a productive use of time.”
Law and bioethics professor Alta Charo told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel that the proposal was “pure inflammatory rhetoric” meant to “create the false impression that abortion providers practice infanticide.” Babies born alive are already “granted equal protection of the law,” she said.
Trump also referenced Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam: “Until this crazy man in Virginia said it, nobody even thought of that.”
The President seemed to have been referencing one widely misinterpreted comment from Northam, one that he has spewed falsehoods about before, regarding third-trimester abortions.
Referring to fetuses that have “severe deformities” and are “nonviable” outside of the womb, Northam said during a January interview: “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
Anti-abortion activists took his comment out of context as a description of infanticide, in fact, as the governor and a spokesperson for him later reiterated, he was speaking about babies who would not survive outside of the womb.
“No woman seeks a third-trimester abortion except in the case of tragic or difficult circumstances, such as a nonviable pregnancy or in the event of severe fetal abnormalities, and the governor’s comments were limited to the actions physicians would take in the event that a woman in those circumstances went into labor,” a spokesperson for Northam told Politifact of the comments. “Attempts to extrapolate these comments otherwise is in bad faith and underscores exactly why the governor believes physicians and women, not legislators, should make these difficult and deeply personal medical decisions.”
Responding to Trump’s speech Saturday night, Julia Pulver, who said on Twitter that she was a registered newborn intensive care unit nurse who’d cared for families with babies who were not viable outside of the womb, responded to Trump’s falsehood.

The anti-abortionists are twisting the facts of this matter - it is a ridiculous falsehood to think that any baby born alive would be killed by physicians/parents.

I have watched Dr. Northam's comments - they are as above - and were twisted into a Lie by the anti-abortionists.
Current law and medical Ethics prohibit the conduct the antiabortionists are attempting to sensationalize. Hospitals have review committees to evaluate these cases and handle them within the law and in a caring fashion for families and patients.

I am not an abortion fan - but I decry the blatant falsehoods of this antiabortionist rhetoric.

Trump has this one completely WRONG!!!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
but then you hear stories about live abortion births at Planned Parenthood and terminating the fetus after the fact.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Of course there was that Illinois law voted in favor of by state senator Barack Obama that said doctors could allow a baby to die if it survived an abortion. Nurses testified that they watched crying, living babies be put in a room to die. Good ole Barry said the result of an abortion was a "dead baby" and that is what the law ensured the mother of. One time he speaks the truth...
themystic's Avatar
Of course there was that Illinois law voted in favor of by state senator Barack Obama that said doctors could allow a baby to die if it survived an abortion. Nurses testified that they watched crying, living babies be put in a room to die. Good ole Barry said the result of an abortion was a "dead baby" and that is what the law ensured the mother of. One time he speaks the truth... Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
All we need to see is one. Other than your urban myths you have a big bag of nothing. I saw lots of people pulled off life support in the hospital. Were they murdered?
lustylad's Avatar
All we need to see is one. Other than your urban myths you have a big bag of nothing. I saw lots of people pulled off life support in the hospital. Were they murdered? Originally Posted by themystic
Nice try, mystic. Nobody will post a photo here. You know and we know it's against the rules. But you can find what you claim you are looking for in the Kermit Gosnell grand jury report.

themystic's Avatar
Nice try, mystic. Nobody will post a photo here. You know and we know it's against the rules. But you can find what you claim you are looking for in the Kermit Gosnell grand jury report.

Enjoy. Originally Posted by lustylad
I enjoyed that read about a doctor who was a murderer. It would be easy for me to find hundreds of stories about nurses and doctors killing their patients. You pretending like infanticide is legal is an out right LIE. Just like in the vein of Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway & Sarah "Year of the Pig" Sanders
  • Tiny
  • 04-28-2019, 09:25 PM
I am not an abortion fan - but I decry the blatant falsehoods of this antiabortionist rhetoric. Originally Posted by oeb11
oeb, The official Libertarian Party position is that the government should keep its nose out of personal decisions, so abortion should be up to the woman. That kind of makes sense to me. But on the other hand, as a believer that government should be closest to the people, I can see the point of pro-life politicians who say laws and policies should be set by state governments, not the federal government. This would allow states to ban abortion. While I wouldn't want my state (Texas) to ban outright ban abortion in all instances, ideologically I'd support that over politicians at the federal level controlling this. And finally, how about Roe vs. Wade. If the Texas state government decided that abortions were permissible in the first trimester and not the last, maybe that's a good compromise. So, in short, I'm all over the map and this isn't an issue of huge importance to me.

Given you're a Libertarian I'm curious what your thoughts are. More often than not, your views are more consistent with the Republican Party platform than the Democratic platform, but apparently not on abortion.
When a abortionist lays live newborn on a table and has a conversation with the mother as to whether he should ram a pair of surgical scissors into the back of it’s skull or not is at the very least barbaric, at the worst, murder.

Oh, I forgot. The abortionist was, what were the words, “keeping it comfortable” while the decision was made.
lustylad's Avatar
I enjoyed that read about a doctor who was a murderer. Originally Posted by themystic
I knew you would. Especially the dead baby photos.

You pretending like infanticide is legal is an out right LIE. Originally Posted by themystic
Maybe you can suggest a nice, Orwellian euphemism for infanticide? Just like you refer to unborn children as lumps of protoplasm. Or use the word surveillance because you're too squeamish to call it spying.

What does your lib-retarded PC dictionary say?
lustylad's Avatar
When a abortionist lays live newborn on a table and has a conversation with the mother as to whether he should ram a pair of surgical scissors into the back of its skull... Originally Posted by Jackie S
Oh, dear! I thought Planned Parenthood preferred to use "less crunchy techniques"? Better for harvesting organs!

See @ 5:55:

  • oeb11
  • 04-29-2019, 06:00 AM
Tiny - thank you for respectful comment. I am independent in my views.

For once, TM seems to generally agree with me - i have considered my stand on this issue - and decided i can deal with being on the same side for once regarding this issue. I do feel TM would be much more comfortable in the Austin environment than DFW.

It is very concerning that many posters are duped by the inflammatory lies of the anti-abortion groups.

Planned Parenthood provides medical care for thousands of under-served - the video re selling fetal parts was a scam engineered by anti-abortionists.

It is an extremely emotional argument - I agree on that.

Unfortunately , - too many are fixated on and believe falsehoods spread - on both sides of the argument.
Furthering these Lies is lowering Oneself to the level of the DPST narratives.\
I basically feel it should be between a woman and her physician - and government butt the hell out.

To those furthering the false narrative of doctors killing live-born babies - This is false - and those furthering that narrative should be ashamed.
Tiny - thank you for respectful comment. I am independent in my views.

For once, TM seems to generally agree with me - i have considered my stand on this issue - and decided i can deal with being on the same side for once regarding this issue. I do feel TM would be much more comfortable in the Austin environment than DFW.

It is very concerning that many posters are duped by the inflammatory lies of the anti-abortion groups.

Planned Parenthood provides medical care for thousands of under-served - the video re selling fetal parts was a scam engineered by anti-abortionists.

It is an extremely emotional argument - I agree on that.

Unfortunately , - too many are fixated on and believe falsehoods spread - on both sides of the argument.
Furthering these Lies is lowering Oneself to the level of the DPST narratives.\
I basically feel it should be between a woman and her physician - and government butt the hell out.

To those furthering the false narrative of doctors killing live-born babies - This is false - and those furthering that narrative should be ashamed. Originally Posted by oeb11
Yes, of course it's an emotional issue. You are taking a(actually more than one) "life" into your hands in the discussion.

The radicals on both sides should be ashamed of mis-information.

The left would have you believe that all of the right wants to ban abortions entirely. Total falsehood. Some do, but not the majority.

The right would have you believe that all of the left wants abortion legal right up to the table at birth(or even just after). Total falsehood. Some do, but not the majority.

In most cases all of the extremes(by definition) are outliers.

In this instance Trump is obviously grandstanding, but didn't actually say anything not true. These atrocities are taking place(whether legal or illegal). And taken at face value, there are those on the left right through some of laws coming through pushing to legalize these very same atrocities.
  • Tiny
  • 04-29-2019, 09:55 AM
To those furthering the false narrative of doctors killing live-born babies - This is false - and those furthering that narrative should be ashamed. Originally Posted by oeb11
I'm not sure I understand this. If you've got a case where nonviable fetuses are suffering after late term abortions, and they're going to die, and you're prolonging the suffering by law or by making doctors afraid they'll be sued or criminally prosecuted, then this seems like a no brainer. Presumably nonviable means they wouldn't live long if the mother had given birth.

When Trump was angling for a run at the presidency as a Democrat or an Independent, he was "very pro choice." For a while he was in favor of late term abortions. So, oeb, if you assume the writer of your original link is reasonably correct in what he says (and I don't know enough about this to have an opinion one way or the other), here are the possibilities,

1. Trump has had a change of heart and he now, in his heart, is pro life. He read some garbage put out by the media and believes what's happening is a travesty, that babies are being killed.

2. Trump doesn't care about abortion either way. He doesn't care whether reports of baby killing in the media are true or false. His motivation in saying what he did is to appeal to and rile his base.
  • Tiny
  • 04-29-2019, 10:03 AM
Oh, dear! I thought Planned Parenthood preferred to use "less crunchy techniques"? Better for harvesting organs!

See @ 5:55:

Originally Posted by lustylad
I started watching this and the first thing I thought was fetal tissue is important to medical research. The second thing I thought was why shouldn't you be able to sell fetal tissue. I believe people should be able to sell their kidneys. Then the woman starts talking about getting a Lamborghini for fetal parts, maybe as a joke, and I start scratching my head.

But yes, you'd think medical ethics should preclude sales, as opposed to donations, of fetal tissue. You definitely don't want to give that potential incentive to people or organizations to promote abortions.
  • Tiny
  • 04-29-2019, 10:14 AM
Planned Parenthood provides medical care for thousands of under-served Originally Posted by oeb11
A lot of Planned Parenthood's have been shut down, and that's been bad for women's health. Many lower income women depended on them. Maybe, in some cities, they should have spun off the parts of their programs that provided care for reproductive issues and pre-natal care aside from abortion into a different non profit, to keep the doors open.