Should LovingKayla change her name?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-24-2013, 07:47 AM
From another thread...

I have two things to say.

2b. Gawd I hate liberals. just disgusting animals you are. You barely rate above a muslim, and muslims are barbaric animals that should be exterminated for the safety of the entire world. Ya I fucking said that too. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I change her hatred for muslims to blacks. Would folks in this community then look at her differently?

2b. Gawd I hate liberals. just disgusting animals you are. You barely rate above a blacks, and blacks are barbaric animals that should be exterminated for the safety of the entire world. Ya I fucking said that too


1) Does she say these things out of total ignorance?

2) Is it a marketing tool?

3) Do our right winger want to fuck her more because of her rantings? They are no different that a KKK member or some antic Semitic Nazi.

I am leaning towards two. I think she trolls for ignorant anti muslims posters and luckers. Or am I wrong? Are you attracted to her skills? Is that why you visit with her? I know there are a bunch of you that encourage her. Do you feel this exact same way but do not have the balls to say so?

If I knew how to do a poll. I would have done one.

Maybe she can chime in and tell us what's in her Nazi like heart...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
For such an important post you should use spell check and double check your grammar. It would give the appearance of intellect if not the substance.

I am curioius to where there this comes from. Some woman take your measure and find you lacking? Your mother maybe, an ex spouse, maybe some anonymus tryst in the night? We would better be able to judge your claim if you posted the full extent of her comments.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-24-2013, 08:26 AM
For such an important post you should use spell check and double check your grammar. It would give the appearance of intellect if not the substance.

I am curioius to where there this comes from. Some woman take your measure and find you lacking? Your mother maybe, an ex spouse, maybe some anonymus tryst in the night? We would better be able to judge your claim if you posted the full extent of her comments. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

to where there this ... really?

take your own advice teach
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-24-2013, 09:11 AM
For such an important post you should use spell check and double check your grammar. It would give the appearance of intellect if not the substance.

. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Who said it was important? This is a whore board, if you put much importance on what is said, that is a reflection on you , not me.

Forgive me if I have misspelled anything. I'm to lazy to care enough to check.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-24-2013, 09:13 AM

I am curioius to where there this comes from. Some woman take your measure and find you lacking? Your mother maybe, an ex spouse, maybe some anonymus tryst in the night? We would better be able to judge your claim if you posted the full extent of her comments. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You need the context to her saying, ''muslims are barbaric animals that should be exterminated for the safety of the entire world''?

Move on JD, it is people like you she is trolling for. Glad you stepped foreward! Anybody else want to make excuses for her?

trynagetlaid's Avatar
Don't know the lady, but does she have DNS liberals or muslims in her Showcase?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Thus speaketh the troll king. All hail WTF!

I change her hatred for muslims to blacks. Would folks in this community then look at her differently?

Maybe she can chime in and tell us what's in her Nazi like heart... Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, you write some VERY disturbing stuff.

Did you arbitrarily change it to blacks to stir up racial prejudice?

"Nazi like heart..." - I hope they nail you for those.

Old Dingus
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-24-2013, 12:07 PM
Sounds like JD and OldDingo can't handle the truth. Look you two, I'm not the one hating on a whole religious faith and wishing them dead, nor am I , like you two, defending someone who is.Do you two think all Muslims should be put to death? Sounds like you are agreeing with our LovingHitler but don't have the balls to do so directly.
bojulay's Avatar
Don't know the lady, but does she have DNS liberals or muslims in her Showcase? Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
I don't know, but she got WTF pretty hot and bothered.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I don't know, but she got WTF pretty hot and bothered. Originally Posted by bojulay
I've seen plenty of her political posts in the Sandbox; just wondering if spreading all that hate and venom helps her business. She might be the darling of the neo-cons. If so, that's good marketing for her.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, ol' Glenna is the perfect example of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing. Kind of like ex-smokers turning vigilante on those who they were like six month before. She's not the first nor the last to have neglected the space between the ears for 40+ years and then fell victim to the first line of bs that came along that played to all of their prejudices and other intellectual infirmaties. There are many providers in the Texas market that parrot the rat wang line, primarily because most of the guys they see are spouting that nonsense and some of the women learn by rote only, which is great in perfecting their BBBJ technique. It's very funny to hear one support those who would take away most of the few things in place that actually help these ladies when business is bad or something serious comes up with one of their childrens' health. But, it's hard to find a tougher row to hoe if they choose to completely stay out of the system and the ones who make it through that plan relatively intact deserve respect for having done it.
LovingKayla is a true American
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-24-2013, 01:21 PM
Rule # 1

Never let politics or religion stand between your dick and a providers mouth.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-24-2013, 06:50 PM
For such an important post you should use spell check and double check your grammar. It would give the appearance of intellect if not the substance.

I am curioius to where there this comes from. Some woman take your measure and find you lacking? Your mother maybe, an ex spouse, maybe some anonymus tryst in the night? We would better be able to judge your claim if you posted the full extent of her comments. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
to where there this ... really?

take your own advice teach Originally Posted by CJ7
You forgot "anonymus". Oh, and "Curioius".

So much for that whole "appearance of intellect" thing.