Is there an unwritten rule I didn't know about

DallasPussyInspector's Avatar
I'll put this here because it's not really a review since the session didn't happen. I also won't call out the provider in case I did something wrong. I know a lot of providers specify in their ads don't text them. This one did not. I sent a text at 11:05PM asking to setup an appointment. I got a response to that text at 11:07PM stating "OK I'm available" Since she didn't say be at a specific place at a specific time at 11:08PM I texted back "Would 11:30-11:45 be OK" meaning I'd be at the major crossroads in her ad sometime between 11:30 and 11:45. At 11:41PM I send a text saying "I'm at major restaurant at major cross streets. I get a text at 11:45PM "OK Cool" At 11:46PM I send a text "Where to from here?" The next text I receive is at 12:08AM " Where are you" I respond immediately "at major restaurant at major cross streets. At 12:11AM I get a response of "OK" The next text is at 12:23AM saying come to major hotel at specific address. I received this text well across town since I left at 12:10AM ironically passing her hotel as I was receiving the "OK" text. I'd been sitting in sight of it the whole time. So did I break protocol here and have this coming.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Why didn't you bother to call? Did she know who you were i.e- screening?
DallasPussyInspector's Avatar
Why didn't you bother to call? Did she know who you were i.e- screening? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Isn't she the one at work, she didn't bother to call either. I'm supposed to give her money, and worry about stuff like that? Also couldn't she have texted more than two word responses in a more timely fashion if she was concerned about who I was? Like call me let's talk instead of ok cool.
Chung Tran's Avatar
you should have called after you arrived in her area and didn't get a timely text back.. the short answers you got may have been from her Pimp, or from her.. what difference does it make that she is the one wanting your money? you wanted a session, and your half-assed effort squashed it (not trying to be mean, just factual)..

keep in mind, too.. not all texts arrive quickly.. I was at a restaurant the other day, one member of my party had gone to the car as we waited for our "to go" order.. he had requested I bring an ice cream cone, that was not part of the original order.. I got to the car.. "where's my ice cream?, I texted you"..

I said I didn't get it, we left.. some 18 minutes later, driving down the road, that text arrived.
DallasPussyInspector's Avatar
I hadn't thought about the pimp angle, which makes me think it's good I went home. I'm not hard up or horny enough to just make this happen, regardless of her behavior. I was just wondering if there was something about texting, since her ad said it was ok. I don't think that exchange being verbal would have made a difference. She responded to my 11:41 text that I'm in the area almost immediately. When I respond where to now is when she went silent. Either way it's probably to waste time and gas, rather than get robbed or arrested. I just thiught there might be something about texting since so many girls don't allow it.
milfy2002's Avatar
I'm curious if this is why so many hobbyists ask me what part of town I'm in even though I clearly state it in my ad. I'm guessing they've been through the run-around rodeo before and have it in their mind that it's one of the first things to ask upon initial contact.

Live and learn!
I hadn't thought about the pimp angle, which makes me think it's good I went home. I'm not hard up or horny enough to just make this happen, regardless of her behavior. I was just wondering if there was something about texting, since her ad said it was ok. I don't think that exchange being verbal would have made a difference. She responded to my 11:41 text that I'm in the area almost immediately. When I respond where to now is when she went silent. Either way it's probably to waste time and gas, rather than get robbed or arrested. I just thiught there might be something about texting since so many girls don't allow it. Originally Posted by DallasPussyInspector
Gotta agree with Chung. You're texting at 11pm for a last min appointment and then you expect top notch customer service once they hear for you. Once I'm at a spot if I don't hear back I'll call to ensure we're all at the same page. That way you'll get a better feeling of how long it'll take.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
A quick chat on the phone probably would have cleared things up for you.

Texting is easy, but when there is confusion talking is always better
Ive been doing this long enough that at 12:08, I would have already been gone.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
A quick chat on the phone probably would have cleared things up for you.

Texting is easy, but when there is confusion talking is always better Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
I agree with Laura.

There are a few unwritten rules, they're not always followed , but your initial contact seemed to be in line with the person you were dealing with. Just the communication was off. The reasons could be anything and I won't speculate.

Over the years, I've gotten a few complaints (and lost a few opportunities) because I require a short chat before meeting. It can be just a few moments but I will NOT meet you before hearing your voice.

Well, that works both ways.

I've only turned down less than a handful of appointments after speaking to someone but I can tell you, it's VERY important to put a voice to that e-mail/text.

It can make all of the difference in the world.

I'm always shocked that a whole lot of men don't seem to care one way or the other.

Anyway, it happened. The appointment didn't make. So one goes forward.

Good luck,
cheatercheater's Avatar
Some providers use a texting app on their phone to hobby. Often times it takes a lengthy period of time to receive the text. Even in google voice, unless you have it forwarding to your phone, it takes longer to get and then you have to open google and refresh every few minutes.
I usually call if I don't get a quick response via text
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
This is why i DON'T publish my number!
milfy2002's Avatar
This is why i DON'T publish my number! Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
jonic's Avatar
  • jonic
  • 10-06-2015, 09:51 AM
why did you leave the house before you knew where the location was? All you knew was the area.
Invisible1's Avatar
Communication is king! The Time to meet, General location to meet at, Length of session and Donation are the most important pieces of information for you and the provider to know before getting in your car. Experience has taught most of us not to assume that you and she have the same answers to these questions. Communicate via email, text, phone call, or PM so neither get the run around or screwed in an unplanned way. Caveat: If the donation is clear in a recent ad or showcase there is no need to discuss it in communications. Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS), but not incomplete.