Disappointing news about Tea Spa

Kiku apparently sold Tea Spa in Lawrence! I called for an appointment and was told Tina and Lilly were there. I asked about Kiku but didn’t get an answer, so I went to the shop. As soon as I walked in I could see furniture was rearranged. Then this 375-300 pound girl walks up. Quite shy. I asked about Kiku. She pointed to a room when the other gal was working. Didn’t get a thorough look at her, but she looked pretty good at a glance. Apparently she was Tina and the big one was Lilly. I asked her if Kiku sold the shop. She just said Kiku returned home. The tone of her voice was that she went home permanently. I declined a massage with the big one and left. If you’re going to check it out, I suggest only set appointment with Tina.