Better Setting?....

Hot tub suite or a great room serviced dinner for your date? Probably depends if you are with your ATF or the first time with someone.
kendra kayy's Avatar
i think both of them would be great settings... but definatly may depend on your and the providers comfort level!
A hot tub suite with maybe a small box of unopened chocolates or strawberries and wine/champagne would be nice. Dinner is always nice, but needs to be discussed beforehand.

You have a nice imagination, the provider you pick is lucky.
I have provided a hot tub suite several times. When I had an ATF that is where we always meet. We had wine, snack food, soft music, candles, and our favorite lotion. I enjoy giving massages and do that often with providers if they wish. Of course like to receive massage also. I enjoy a shower or relaxing in a hot tub, and once we are comfortable together will make that happen. Cost in more, because also want to be more then an hour session, but well worth it.
I'll provide the hot tub, you provide the massage.
I'll provide the hot tub, you provide the massage. Originally Posted by MsElena
I will take you up on that someday. Just know I am allergic to paddles.
My paddles are getting a bad rap.

Y'all do realize that I offer other sessions besides my domme sessions correct? lol
Elena - a hot tub? Sounds inviting and deserves exploration. Hope you'r all moved in. Steve
kendra kayy's Avatar
MsElana you know they all secretly Love your paddle!! And besides if you go to hard on em they could always soak it off in the hottub!!
Steve!! Yes, I'm moved in. Thank you again!! You need to come see the new place soon, call me.

Kendra, lol I wish they all loved it. I say that everyone needs to try something new/different and I can help with that. hahaha
kendra kayy's Avatar
I completely agree with you MsElena! Speaking of such... Im getting bored lately...I may need to try something new Very Soon!!
OK we all need something new. Let's all join the mile high club.
kendra kayy's Avatar
OK we all need something new. Let's all join the mile high club. Originally Posted by saxcat81
Im with ya Saxcat!
burkalini's Avatar
I joined that club about twenty years ago. At my height 6'7" it's not all it's cracked up to be. lol
kendra kayy's Avatar
lol burkalini I can see how that wouldnt be easy for you to manuver!! But im still down to join.. being only 5'4 and flexible, it should be pretty fun!!